What are you drinking tonight 2023.

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After a very bad storm last night suns out so time for a delirium at the caravan.
I’m by myself today and decided sod it I want a pizza and a beer and as I‘m still in the honeymoon phase with my pizza oven decided to make use of it even if it does seem a bit of a hassle for one pizza. Unfortunately the pizza stuck to the peel and by the time I managed to get it fully into the oven one side was somewhat carbonised. Still tastes better than a frozen pizza or one from domino’s though.

As for the beer I’m having with it Weissbier.
A Belgian Wit, kindly sent by my good pal @Alastair70 (managed to open this one before getting too w@nkered).

Beautiful white fluffy head. The aroma instantly took me back about 20 years, when I used to drink Hoegaarden like it was going out of fashion (not too much variety in Irish pubs back then (same could be said now, in fairness)).

It's not totally unlike Hoegaarden but has an extra pepperiness/spiciness. Definite orange taste but no noticeable coriander. This is so quashable. About half of it is gone as I am writing this. A very good beer from a very good brewer. Well done, mate. Really enjoying it. Would even tempt me to stray off my normal selection of brews to attempt one.


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A pint of my own west coast blaster IPA (gold medal winner recipe taken from the American homebrewers association website). Comes in at around 6.5% and is dark due to the 85g of Special B.

Not a bad drop. Two of my mates got trolleyed on it last week. One of them could hardly stand an the other was crying his eyes out. It was all very emotional 🤣


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A Belgian Wit, kindly sent by my good pal @Alastair70 (managed to open this one before getting too w@nkered).

Beautiful white fluffy head. The aroma instantly took me back about 20 years, when I used to drink Hoegaarden like it was going out of fashion (not too much variety in Irish pubs back then (same could be said now, in fairness)).

It's not totally unlike Hoegaarden but has an extra pepperiness/spiciness. Definite orange taste but no noticeable coriander. This is so quashable. About half of it is gone as I am writing this. A very good beer from a very good brewer. Well done, mate. Really enjoying it. Would even tempt me to stray off my normal selection of brews to attempt one.
Cheers mate, glad you enjoyed it🍻. Looks like that bottle travelled better then a couple of the swap beers too.
I added 50g of uncrushed coriander to the mash but, like you, I think the flavour got lost in the wheat malt. I might give it a gentle bash in a pestle next time round. The 50g of bitter orange peel did come through nicely.
Unfortunately the pizza stuck to the peel and by the time I managed to get it fully into the oven
Most dough recipes are quite high hydration for home oven cooking. The one on the Ooni website is only 60% hydration and makes a dough that isn’t too sticky, so is very easy to handle.
That and a bit of semolina as already said.
A good sprinkling of semolina on the peel will help with this. They act like a raft of ball bearings and the pizza can just slide off
It was about inch of the crust that stuck which was annoying as with how hot the oven is while I trying to knock it off the pizza is already cooking think I’m just going to take your suggestion and just coat the peel liberally in semolina next time.
Most dough recipes are quite high hydration for home oven cooking. The one on the Ooni website is only 60% hydration and makes a dough that isn’t too sticky, so is very easy to handle.
That and a bit of semolina as already said.
Thanks for the suggestions I think on this occasion you are right and it was the hydration on the dough which was a tad sticky, downside of making very small batches of pizza dough is even being only a few ml off water wise can be quite dramatic % wise.
Just back from Cyprus this morning and brought my bar back on-line (cleaned the beer lines, reconnected the gas lines, and put the beers back on tap). I’m not doing my usual taste of each beer though, I’m leaping straight in with a pint of bitter because I’ve really missed the bitter and the Pirate Pale on this holiday.

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