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  1. T

    Cheap and cheerful pump recommendation

    The solar pumps go up to 100°C :thumb:
  2. T

    Very old COS

    I have an ancient tin of Coopers Original Stout, I think it's a couple of years old now. I was thinking a kilo of DME and a new pack of Safale-04, does that sound about right? Maybe slightly less DME because I am aiming for a 19 litre brew length. This is a test batch that I am going to try...
  3. T

    Inline Filter - Food/Temperature Safe?

    Yes, I'd quite like to see the stainless one too. I was thinking of using one of the 1/2" Wye strainers but I'd like to see what the other options are.
  4. T

    Inline Filter - Food/Temperature Safe?

    Found the product page - looks kosher, I suppose the question is whether the nylon stands up to high temps. ... fault.html
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    Inline Filter - Food/Temperature Safe?

    If it doesn't say food grade plastic, it probably isn't food grade. I hear of food grade PP, HPDE, PTFE, EPDM, silicone but rarely nylon. On the other hand drinking water fittings for animals are frequently nylon. I reckon there is probably some box it doesn't tick. Personally I think I'd give...
  6. T

    Folding colander false bottom?

    Just had another look at mine and where each flappy bit attaches there is a rectangular slot that is slightly larger than you'd want. Those might need stopping up. Other than that it looks great, the holes are a good size and there is even a nice pilot hole in the middle. I don't have anything I...
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    Is 4mm mesh too big for hopfilter ??

    It will keep out any small children who have fallen in the kettle :thumb: Definitely no use with pellets which is about all I can get my hands on here.
  8. T

    Folding colander false bottom?

    I've got one of those. It's for steam cooking veg, you put it inside a pot of water. I think it would work pretty well but it's not that wide. Might need a slit silicone tube or something around the edge to stop little bits of husk seeping underneath.
  9. T

    Auto syphon on ebay

    I want that baaaad.
  10. T

    HERMS FALSE BOTTOM OR COPPER MANIFOLD with litle brown pump?

    By the way, I asked Peter at what the pump what made of, and he said Fortron (polyphenylene sulphide). So now you know.
  11. T

    Flux removal. What would be best?

    The aerosol spray is isopropyl alcohol which is what I generally use for cleanup. This solvent is miscible with water which helps evaporate off any moisture which combined with flux residues might rust stainless. Acetone is even better because its more volatile, it dries stuff off in a jiffy. I...
  12. T

    Pull the finger out arsenal

    What's happened to Mr Wenger? Right peevish and looks half mental in every picture these days. It's all got to him. On the other hand the stress of keeping **** clubs up hasn't seemed to undermine Big Sam, he still looks like he could throw you out at closing time with one hand behind his back.
  13. T

    HERMS FALSE BOTTOM OR COPPER MANIFOLD with litle brown pump?

    No chance of that, my motivation and quite possibly the hacksaw blade will give out first. Call me old fashioned but I'm going with the Tesco kettle. :thumb: In the USA where I now reside it seems very common to put the HERMS coil in the HLT. The point being that you can fill it up with ice...
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    HERMS FALSE BOTTOM OR COPPER MANIFOLD with litle brown pump?

    Question for Vossy-san and other HERMS jedi's. Sorry to hijack the thread but I have a rectangular shaped picnic box which I have tricked with a copper manifold thinking it would be OK for HERMS. If I understood Vossy right, the advantage of a false bottom is that it gives a bigger surface area...
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    Bowerfold Brewery Build

    Very inventive build. The splatter guard is genius. Give that man a doctorate.
  16. T

    me meself and i

    Love your yeast stirrer BTW.
  17. T

    200 l mash tun

    Convert a stainless drum
  18. T

    Brew Your Own British Real Ale - Graham Wheeler

    I recently read the second edition of Wheeler's "Home Brewing" and although the reprint is copyrighted 2001 I suspect that it is all but identical to the original 1993 pressing. It certainly reads like it was written 20 years ago. I was pretty underwhelmed. There is some stuff in there on...
  19. T

    any plumbers out there ?

    BES? You won't do better for prices or range.
  20. T

    dose any one know any good pubs in Central london

    I was just at the George Inn on Borough High Street. You can no doubt get Bock alongside many other German beer varieties at Katzenjammer's Bierkeller nearby. And why not pop over to The Kernel Brewery round the corner in Bermondsey which is open 9-3 on Saturdays.