Inline Filter - Food/Temperature Safe?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2011
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Hi all,

I have rashly bought this... ... 1439.l2649

To stick between my mash tun and pump during recirculation. I then thought about it, and I've got a stainless steel one on order from foreign places.

I was just wondering, though, about the suitability of the original piece in general? It's made of nylon plastic, which nobody seems to have a definitive take on in relation to food-safeness. Also, what kind of temperatures would it withstand?

If it doesn't say food grade plastic, it probably isn't food grade. I hear of food grade PP, HPDE, PTFE, EPDM, silicone but rarely nylon. On the other hand drinking water fittings for animals are frequently nylon. I reckon there is probably some box it doesn't tick. Personally I think I'd give it a miss.
Not sure about the performance at high temp but the unit is designed for potable water applications. Shurflo are a respected pump and water fittings company in the caravan industry. Send them an email and ask.
Brilliant - thanks for that. The page had a link to the spec sheet - max temperature is 45C, so not even high enough for mashing.
Will be interested to see what you think of the stainless one en route MP. It's also worth remembering that brewing wort is acidic in nature and that in itself can make certain substances unsuitable/less desirable for use :thumb:
As with all things brewing most of what we know has to be 'bodged together', mostly from best practice. I have to question if the exposure times we use really affect anything, but than again it's better to be safe than sorry.
Yes, I'd quite like to see the stainless one too. I was thinking of using one of the 1/2" Wye strainers but I'd like to see what the other options are.
My stainless strainer arrived today. It's fine, its basically just a 1/2" y strainer in stainless. It's hooked up ready for a brew on Saturday. Annoyingly, though, I cannot get the strainer cap off. I suspect this will cause me some issues come brew day and the consequent clean up...
Is the quality any good? Sometimes I have had crappy threads on SS from Chinese ebay suppliers.
I've had that problem too. But no, this one was fine. Not being able to get the inspection cap off the filter bit is driving me mad though!
Slightly off-topic but useful info - came across this - look for the triangle of arrows on the base of the container.

"According to The Green Guide , a website and magazine devoted to greener living and owned by the National Geographic Society, the safest plastics for repeated use in storing food are made from high-density polyethylene (HDPE, or plastic #2), low-density polyethylene (LDPE, or plastic #4) and polypropylene (PP, or plastic #5). Most Tupperware products are made of LDPE or PP, and as such are considered safe for repeated use storing food items and cycling through the dishwasher."

I believe the best product for its heat withstanding properties is HDPE and the thicker the better otherwise it can go wobbly.
Ok. So the inline filter was a bag of ****. It just jammed immediately and let nothing out. I removed it, and have worked out that all I need to do is draw off some runnings prior to herms recirculation to give the filter bed time to set in. Perfect brew today.

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