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By the way, I asked Peter at solarprojects.co.uk what the pump what made of, and he said Fortron (polyphenylene sulphide). So now you know.
Right the brewery now has a small pot of funds, following the sale of a maxi 310 beer cooler. I'm planning on order of importance, so I need some propane hose, food grade tubing and ball valves, which just about clears the current funds byrt should give me everything to start to set up to start with.

On placing the ball valves I was hoping to use the current holes at the sides of the tank about one inch from the bottom. previously on the gravity fed sysem I had copper manafolds in both MT & boiler and I'm looking at least to start with (until more funds are available to get x2 FB) to use the copper manifolds and position the ball valves on the side as they currently are. If/when I upgrade to FB will this present any issues with the pick up tubes/draining, with the tap being on the side, rather than underneath, I guess it's only the same as current setup, ie the copper manifold is submerged in the liqure below the tap, so again as long as the pick up tube under the FB is submerged in the liqure it should syphon out right?
The taps are on the side as the kegs I'm using don't have much clearance on the bottom and didn't want have to raise them also as I use propane burners at least on the boiler it wouldn't be good to have bottom drain sitting on the flame.

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