Bridestone Brewery Ongoing New Build "Latest"

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Aleman said:
I've made a new one with 10mm stainless tube, which is much lighter than copper, adn does not take as much force to get it moving. . . . Looks really promising.
Bet that was a bastard to drill with tidgy bits.. :hmm:
BarnsleyBrewer said:
Aleman said:
I've made a new one with 10mm stainless tube, which is much lighter than copper, adn does not take as much force to get it moving. . . . Looks really promising.
Bet that was a bastard to drill with tidgy bits.. :hmm:

Are you suggesting alemans Blowtorch accident has affected his wedding tackle?

unclepumble said:
BarnsleyBrewer said:
Aleman said:
I've made a new one with 10mm stainless tube, which is much lighter than copper, adn does not take as much force to get it moving. . . . Looks really promising.
Bet that was a bastard to drill with tidgy bits.. :hmm:

Are you suggesting alemans Blowtorch accident has affected his wedding tackle?

:oops: :oops: :D :D
Well something made me get my backside in gear for a bit again today so I did this (insulation was going very cheap at focus, cos they are closing down)

HLT is getting a new insulated jacket :thumb:

Take 2 pieces of 52mm thick very dense foam

Hack the back out with a jigsaw so it will bend round, round thingys

Take one very un-insulated HLT Vessel

The photo is actually my copper but its identical to the HLT

Bend cut foam around

Hold together with a ratchet strap and you get a thick warm coat for the tank

Now to cover it all in nice silvery stuff and seal it up so no nasties can get behind and grow.

Mash Tun To do Next :? then I have an idea for the copper to make it much more efficient

Vossy1 said:
Nifty bit of work there Shane :cool: ...wouldn't fancy cleaning up after tho :lol:

SHMBO did It :D :D

Been busy again this afternoon, whilst the brew is on.




Now 1 maybe 2 more vessels to do. O and I need to do a top and lid insulation job on them too.

I have had another 1/2 hr in the garage tonight after work, am trying a different method with my mash tun, same stuff different approach.

Foam measured and marked 1 1/2"

Cut and no more nails added

stick strips to side

Much easier to do and will be a damn site easier to stick the silver stuff too, will put photos of the finished article on later in the week.

How well does No More Nails cope with the heat. I ask because I stuck insulation on with copydex, just to hold until I taped it up with Duck tape. When it heated up the glue all ran out from the bottom. bit of a mess :(
Cussword said:
How well does No More Nails cope with the heat. I ask because I stuck insulation on with copydex, just to hold until I taped it up with Duck tape. When it heated up the glue all ran out from the bottom. bit of a mess :(

Not sure only a few stuck on up to now, will use silicone for the rest, there is only a few blobs per stick anyhow and all the joints will be taped up with duct tape So not too worried.

oldbloke said:
Has anybody tried wrapping the 2mm poly stuff round their vessels? Obv you'd need to keep going round until it was a good thickness
I was thinking it'd do away with most of the cutting.

It gets quite messy if you have any spills and is a bugger to clean, thats why I have gone down the foil duct tape route so if I get any spills I can wipe it all off easily enough.

More work done, need to Buy more Duct tape now :( .
This build is really starting to look a lot better , and the added bling from the Blichmann thermometer adds to it. :D


I have shortened the brewstand to 2 pots as the goal is (possibly to brick the copper in) best way to insulate with Gas I think. Not sure if this will be the route yet but its looking Likely.


This is going to be one seriously insulated tun, I can't see it loosing much temperature.



Looking good Unc. :thumb:

I wonder if the sponge is cut like this to make Battenberg?


Maybe you could gain employment Unc as the No1 sponge cutter for Mr Kippling
:hmm: :hmm:
it is cut like that john, stuck together with Jam then rolled in marzipan, I saw it on HOW ITS MADE once.

I'll Stick to the ODD bit of Sponging off the neighbours, when the chance takes me :D :D

About 25kg of grain per brew, just handy for making sure the sack of malt freshly crushed, has none left in it to go stale.

Just sponged a load of Bricks off a neighbour, so it looks like the coppers getting a brick overcoat.

Will post some photies when done.