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Connie's got a Crib,

poor little girl as been lying on her side in the garage for weeks, therefore this morning I have built her a Crib to sleep in.

Here she is enjoying a little snooze in the sun in her new crib.



Looking great UP!

Just want to check that you're sure it will be able to hold the constant pressure of the fermenter being full, you don't want to end up with a scale model reenactment of The London Beer flood :D
unclepumble said:
Connie's got a Crib,

poor little girl as been lying on her side in the garage for weeks, therefore this morning I have built her a Crib to sleep in.

Here she is enjoying a little snooze in the sun in her new crib.

LoL :rofl: :rofl:
ive got a therminator for my little 1.5bbl test kit theyre brilliant. copes with 243 litre with no problems. amazingly efficient! :thumb:

kits looking great up!
Well have been playing around again this evening, conical is all plumbed up with 1" and 1/2" fittings, & I have brimmed it with water 180+ltrs and the stand was solid and whats more no leaks, :shock: :D .

Have been plumbing in loads of valves and plenty of copper pipe, am hoping that by the end of tomorrow night I will be able to look at pumping some water around the 3 vessels and a CIP on thursday ready for brewing saturday morning, as I want to seak out for a Pint on Friday night. :drink:

Alls looking good for a brewday on sat with the kit and the weather looks like I might need the factor 15 for it :D.

Will post some photos when am something like, (later in week)

Oh and I also have a Hand pump and a beer chiller to play about with :party:

Right Plumbing is done/complete, I think :wha:

Have kept it very simple, only 16 hand valves at last count :shock:

Will be going for a wet run tomorrow with water to look for leaks and test the circuits out etc, then its CIP and lag all pipework.

And maybe take some Pictures, "I know you want to see my shiny brew porn, you want it don't you, you realy want it" :shock: :rofl:

I can't wait to get brewing again now, roll on this saturday.

The photos don't really show the work done to be honest, & to be honest I probably havn't done a good job of the photos tonight cos my eyes are only 1/2 open due to being tired.

Anyhow I have run water through all the system, all works ok only 1 very small drip on a soldered joint, (will fix when drained) & I have CIP'd the 3 vessels with OXI cleaner, so all is go for brewday on saturday :D. have made a major balls up on part of the routing of the plumbing, but I have sussed a work around and will deal with it when I have time, brewing beer has to take priority.

Here are photos




Just a bit of lagging to do now :pray:
