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unclepumble said:
now I just need a cheap keg supply, as I have promised 600 pints of beer to a friend as a present ready for a party at chrimbo!

Coincidentally, I've just had an e-mail.

Not quite kegs, but are these any good to you?
Also is anyone interested in any food grade 1/2" silicone tube, I can only get a 30mtr roll from my supplier and don't need that much, therefore I Havn't bought it, it will work out about £3.65 a mtr Plus postage if I can get enough interest.

We have some en-route, probably here by the end of the week, though it's slightly more expensive at £4/m

see here

If you want any just add to the thread :thumb:
Your brewery is looking monster, I'm looking forward to reading your posts soon :cool:
jamesb said:
unclepumble said:
now I just need a cheap keg supply, as I have promised 600 pints of beer to a friend as a present ready for a party at chrimbo!

Coincidentally, I've just had an e-mail.

Not quite kegs, but are these any good to you?

Thanks for the link but I think if i bought 50 kegs the wife would leave me!!!! (hmm might be tempting)

I think I have just picked up some 50ltr drums which i can fit taps to & will pressurise aok, only prob is they have been used for ascetic acid, so need to make sure they are not tainted after a good clean.

Great post Shane. I really like the look/idea of using one of those condensate pumps as a underback :hmm:
the size above and defo 3 around the 80-100ltr capacity
If you could pm me an idea of price and size It would be much appreciated :thumb:
Not all is good though I have around 3ltrs deadspace in the mashtun and around 500ml in the boiler
I wouldn't worry about that, it's nothing in vessels that size :cool:
a therminator is on its way
Couldn't you wangle a proper sized chiller :lol:...only joking, nice buy :cool:
Vossy1 said:
Great post Shane. I really like the look/idea of using one of those condensate pumps as a underback :hmm:

Well there won't be many cheap ones about soon I fear, I think there are a few floating around fleabay, with water damaged boxes, (the box mine was in was shocking but the pump inside was perfect) when these have gone its full price from March May £200 plus.

the size above and defo 3 around the 80-100ltr capacity
actually 4 and should be good for 110-120ltrs to the brim
If you could pm me an idea of price and size It would be much appreciated :thumb: pm sent

[quote:hphrxo2z]Not all is good though I have around 3ltrs deadspace in the mashtun and around 500ml in the boiler
I wouldn't worry about that, it's nothing in vessels that size :cool:
I Dont Like waste!

a therminator is on its way
Couldn't you wangle a proper sized chiller :lol:...only joking, nice buy :cool:[/quote:hphrxo2z]

Vossy1 Have you recived my silicone hose payment by the way?

I'm starting to get excited!!!!!
Therminator is here,
Control panel is built, (well Wired up carpentry needs some work!) 2 Carel PID controllers used with 40a solid states, all in a 70s retro style home built wooden enclosure.

Hoping to get 2 brews done on Thursday,(will get 1 done for defo hell or high water,) so will be working into the wee small hours on weds afternoon methinks just tidying things up.

Nothing like a goal and mines 280 ltrs plus of bubbling wort by thurs night!
Hose arrived this afternoon, cheers Vossy.

Have done bugger all on the build this afternoon, the Jet lag from nights has been particularly bad today, so have decided to enjoy a past brew (IPA) and a few tots of Bushmills malt instead of working in the garage this evening!!!!!

I think a very early start tomorrow is on the cards, I don't have much to do really so should still be able to do 1 brew tomorrow and the other on Friday Morning.

Jobs to do,
Fit heating element to HLT
Fit tank fitting and ball valve to HLT.
Cut Silicone Hose to length, and fit to various tails.
Cip everything.
Then Brew!!!!!!!!

I need a quick visit to a brewshop in the morning though as I have forgot to buy some Calcium Chloride!

Camera has had to take a back seat, due to workload but I will endeavour to get it out tomorrow.

I picked up another 220ltr Plastic fermenter today, Bonus was about 3ltrs of 60% vol Spiced rum in the bottom, so christmas drinky's are getting sorted!

My mate has also given me what I think will be a very very very sexy hop strainer in S/S I just need to get a bit of stainless pipework and a half inch tank fitting, to complete it, this will be for the next brews though don't have time for this week.

Then its on to building the website, once I have finished tinkering, I have not done any website building for a few years so will be fun I hope.
Sorry to hear about the Knightmarish day, now brew some bloody beer in your uber brewery ;)
just transfering to fv 1052 @ 15deg C, a very light coloured lager, with cascade halertau hersbrucker & saaz hops,

4ltrs of very smelly lager yeast going in soon.

the therminator is the bees knees!

photography has had to take a back seat today, will have more time for that tommmorow i hope, planning on a timmy taylors clone in the morning.

i think i can get away with a smaller mash vessel, think i may aquire have a 100ltr at work still.

The copper was brilliant, due to having such a small lid it worked like a pressure cooker, boil got to 109 deg c (mercury thermometer) and i did not need stir or anything, after 60mins I lost about 2ltrs.

my big problem with the brewery is the HLT 2.2kw & 160ltrs don't mix well takes an age to get hot, so think i need to go gas with this as well as the copper.

Brew no 2 done and in the FV.

1050OG Timmy Taylors style with a bit of luck.

Not too many calamities, apart from the gas running out part way into the preboil, quick trip to the local supplier rapido.

Have done a few photos no very good ones I'm afraid, but was suffering a bit after sampling some of the free rum in the bottom of the potential FV, (salvaged 5 bottles of v Nice 60%ABV spiced rum).



The Boil, I got the Temp to 110 deg C without it boiling over, it was rolling like buggery though.

I am suprised at how little volume of wort I loose after the boil, I would say less than 6ltrs total.

I need to organise things better, I just had most of the pipework on Flying ends, I think Next time I will pipe everything up so changing over Is by hand valves, as opposed to plugging in and out of john guests.

I also think I may have gone a bit too big!!!, I could certainly get away with a smaller mash tun, & think I may just do 100ltrs next time instead of brimming the vessels, It takes about 1 1/4hrs to get to boil.

I was very impressed with the therminator, I recirced back into the boiler, and got 150ltrs down to 20deg in 45mins.

The Underback rims system also worked a treat, Its a real boon having a pump that turns itself on and off with the mash flow, I am confident I can mash in, open the outlet on the mash tun, and walk away for 1 1/2Hrs. & the run off was gin clear.

However I have 2 FV's with 150ltrs in each 1 lager and 1 Bitter, so am happy, lets just hope they ferment out ok its about 8deg in my garage, I just hope the insulation on the FV's and the thermal mass of the wort holds out, however the lager had a fine krausen on tonight when I looked.

I am really looking forward to sampling the lager, It has to be some of the best tasting wort I have ever sampled, with a really nice hop flavour.



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