Hopback brewery - pickled santa 6%, very nice copper / chestnut ale with touches of cinnamon, coriander and nutmeg
delivers as well :thumb: very nice, subtle spice flavour and aroma, pale, wheat and choc malts with pioneer and williamette. Maybe next years forum xmas brew could be allowed a spice addition
I have racked my 2009 Rice and Raisin wine to clear ready for friday and i have just got 4
packs of 24 tins of carling for £40 from sainsburys : :thumb:
Tonight I will mostly be drinking Tesco's Finest American Double IPA...aka another bloody great Brew Dog beer and at 9.2% abv the 6 I bought should see me right :drink: :drunk:
Now £2 for 2 at Tesco's :party:
It was a gift from a colleague who's recently been to Belgum. SWMBO loves it but Im not sure if its for me?... As with most modern Gueuze's its initial flavour is a very typical sweet Belgian taste with a more traditional dry, sharp almost sour finish (I like the finish).
I'm now onto a few bottles of Guinness Foreign Extra... Dont think I need to say much else!
santa`s dark secret :thumb: Finished work today back next year this will be the first of a few tonight, a few bottles of homebrew to follow and a big bottle of leffe blond then some rhubarb wine and a highland park malt whiskey before bed