What are you drinking tonight 2023.

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Last one for me otherwise the pizza peel will have to come out to scrape me off the floor 😂

The husband's impy 🍻







So two of my own , the Hoppy new beer '23 and the California steaming '23. The Hoppy new beer '23 is very similar to Dog's window twice around the park. A little sweetness not often found in ipas. Darn good though. Dogs window have some amazing beers. Warning: Their sage and orange SAISON is pretty lively now.

I am on another beer app platform as dadofjon, that's where I normally post what I'm drinking as I usually use my pc for the homebrew forum and it can be a faff transferring from phone to pc. And using the forum on the phone whilst doable is a bit more difficult than using the app. Anyways I find beerriff beers can be a bit of a blur of lovelyness but when faced with a choice can't always remember which of the beers available were my favs. So being able to rate a score to them is very useful.

Apologies for the rambling, but none of the beers were under 6.11% nighty night, sleep tight.
Have a week off the booze. Good time for a detox
That’s been pretty much forced on me, partly by the cost but mostly because there’s virtually nothing nice on offer.

It’s a good job we’re only here for a week, I’m normally a very chilled out guy but there’s an outburst brewing! 😂
You wanna calm down a bit or they'll transfer you to the "Dubai Hilton"...no chance of getting out.
I suppose its a learning curve,definitely on my "don't visit" list.
As that girl with the shiny slippers said..."there's no place like home".
You wanna calm down a bit or they'll transfer you to the "Dubai Hilton"...no chance of getting out.
I suppose its a learning curve,definitely on my "don't visit" list.
As that girl with the shiny slippers said..."there's no place like home".
Yeah, I wish I had a pair of those slippers right now! 😉
Was looking forward to a few beers this weekend but as I can’t really taste or smell due to having a cold/flu/covid/lurgy type thing going on there is no fun in it.
Been sick for 3 weeks now and I am “sick” of it.
Anyway it’s cold wet and miserable out there so used my flight set again before starting on the hot whiskey to help clear my ailments.
Was looking forward to a few beers this weekend but as I can’t really taste or smell due to having a cold/flu/covid/lurgy type thing going on there is no fun in it.
Been sick for 3 weeks now and I am “sick” of it.
Anyway it’s cold wet and miserable out there so used my flight set again before starting on the hot whiskey to help clear my ailments.
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Suck it up buttercup, they don't make Derry men the way they used to. 😷
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