General election

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  • Labour

  • Conservative

  • Reform

  • Green

  • SNP

  • Lib Dem

  • Still on the fence.

  • Plaid cymru

  • Local Independant

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I never wanted him as leader.

He tells the crowd his mother was a nurse and the crowd laugh at him, he never learns.

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As I said there will always be leaders and there will always be followers.
Are these the leaders who you revere so much? Extreme case but this is how the rich get to be super rich, exploitation of either their workforce or suppliers through not fairly paying them the true value of their work or goods, their customers by charging excessive prices or governments by not paying a fair share of taxes whilst abusing the facilities of that country.
Rishi Sunak's estimated net worth is £651m yet he only paid £0.5m in tax last year.
Isn't most of that his wife's stake in daddy's software company in India? So it's not him paying tax on it, it depends on his wife's (infamous) tax status in the UK. And in any case, most tech companies don't pay out dividends, it's all about the capital gains, which you only pay tax on when they're sold.
Some conflation of mental health issues and people not wanting to work there with populist rhetoric. By an incredibly privileged man, who does not shared the lived experience of 95% of the electorate.

It's a shame only the soundbites will get through.

Edit - that is a summary of the small section I watched
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How to destroy these 2 left wing clowns

Interesting. Is everyone who's not voting reform "left wing clown" in your book Rod?

All I really saw was F*rage dodging questions and talking a lot without really saying anything. A lot of vagueties and no real answers
How to destroy these 2 left wing clowns

I saw that a day or so ago, he really did, there was another show he was on with two interviewers male and female he made fools of them too. I wonder if they will mention Starmer's wealth when he gets interviewed he is worth far more than Farage
Are these the leaders who you revere so much? Extreme case but this is how the rich get to be super rich, exploitation of either their workforce or suppliers through not fairly paying them the true value of their work or goods, their customers by charging excessive prices or governments by not paying a fair share of taxes whilst abusing the facilities of that country.
There is no exploitation of the workforce or suppliers. Workforces are free to move around and suppliers sell goods at market price, the purchasers are well aware of the cost of goods before they buy and have a good idea of what the retail price will be.
For my business, I made sure I had a 50% GM and that my customers could also make a 50% GM if they wished, no one forces the consumer to buy goods that they don't consider a fair price.
Taxes are paid in accordance with the law regarding how much tax is to be paid. Tax avoidance is a very serious offence in any country and carries a stiff sentence.
Tax minimisation on the other hand is perfectly legal, something we all do.
We all have a choice in life, work to make someone else rich, or employ others to make ourselves rich.
I think the link is a poor example of wealth, what about all the wealthy businessmen who show expressions of altruism to the tune of billions of dollars.
Kerry Packer Australia's richest man at the time sums up minimising tax.
Interesting. Is everyone who's not voting reform "left wing clown" in your book Rod?

All I really saw was F*rage dodging questions and talking a lot without really saying anything. A lot of vagueties and no real answers

He was saying he wasn't voting Reform and abhorred Farage only a few hours ago 😂
And i am still not voting for him, i like watching him destroy people like Styte and muncheetty who have no clue

Have to say, not how I saw it. That being said, I would've liked to see genuine heavyweight journos given the opportunity to question him rather than two breakfast presenters.

Chris Mason made him look more foolish than usual with little effort the other night. Reminded him that he called his beloved monarch a "climate loony". That made him squirm.
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All I really saw was F*rage dodging questions and talking a lot without really saying anything. A lot of vagueties and no real answers
Its funny how different people see the same thing differently, i thought his explanation of migration should be an eye opener for us all we cannot keep letting people come here with no restrictions the figures he quoted were frightening.
Its funny how different people see the same thing differently, i thought his explanation of migration should be an eye opener for us all we cannot keep letting people come here with no restrictions the figures he quoted were frightening.

The figures he quotes are b*llocks. He also never wants to discuss how we go about paying for state pension, and the other elephant in the room that in order to grow GDP you need to grow your population, or increase productivity (neither of which we have been capable of doing for decades without migration).

The discussion should be about the lack of spending for the provision of infrastructure to support a growing population. Would people care about population size if they were able to get a GP appointment, affordable house etc?

To focus on numbers alone suggests that his issue lies more in the immigrants themselves rather than the pressures an increasing population presents.
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that in order to grow GDP you need to grow your population
When i was at school the population of this country was 50 million in 2022 it was 66.97 million so his figures do stack up, we are an island nation, so thats 17 million since the 60's and gdp is no different now to then in fact it is worse.

The UK economy in the 1960s - House of Lords Library

Considered by conventional macroeconomic metrics, the 1960s can claim to be one of the UK's most economically successful decades. GDP growth averaged 3.5%, unemployment 2.7% and inflation 3.5%. Real disposable household income per head was 25% greater by the end of the 1960s than it was at the end of the 1950s.13 Feb 2024. this was under the tory government of Macmillon then Labour got in late 60s and 70s and destroyed it

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