General election

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The figures he quotes are b*llocks.

Do you agree we cannot keep letting people come here with no restrictions.

23 November 2023

There were 56,042 people in hotel accommodation, while 58,444 people were in "dispersed" accommodation - usually housing provided by the Home Office through private companies.

The number of people in hotels rose by 5,500 over three months while the number in housing stayed broadly the same.

Labour's shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper said the number of asylum seekers in hotels was 10,000 more than when Rishi Sunak promised to end hotel use - and was costing almost £3bn a year.

"Once again, the British taxpayer is footing the bill for the Conservatives' chaos," she said.

The population of England and Wales was estimated to be 60.2 million mid-2022, an increase of around 578,000 - or 1% - since 2021.

The ONS's Neil Park said: "Unlike the baby boom driving population growth in the 1960s, the increases in our latest estimates are predominately being driven by international migration."

We're not "letting people come here with no restrictions" now.

Where are you digging up this ********?
The article did you read it?

In May, it said net migration - the difference between the number of people coming to live in the UK and those leaving - for 2022 had been 606,000, 139,000 lower than the true figure.
No 10 said migration was "far too high" but it was taking action.

Can you tell us what action they have taken?

Immigration levels last year were about three times higher than in 2019, when the Tories won the last election with a promise to slash migrant numbers, although they were lower than in 2022.3
So the 888 who arrived on Thursday via La Manch were invited
No idea. I didn't ask them.

But if there is a problem with "illegal immigrants" it means that "people have come here against the law" which means "there is a law" which means "there are restrictions".

Every time I enter the country I have to show my passport. Foreigners need to have visas or from a country where we have visa waiver programs agreed. If those aren't restrictions, I don't know what are 😂

Let me know if that logic is too complicated for you
Where does it say in there that we are "letting people come here with no restrictions"?

I meant the figures in the article but i think you knew that.

As i pointed out - the Tories won the last election with a promise to slash migrant numbers because "They are far too high" they haven't its three times higher which means they haven't restricted it.

In May, it said net migration - the difference between the number of people coming to live in the UK and those leaving - for 2022 had been 606,000, 139,000 lower than the true figure.
No 10 said migration was "far too high" but it was taking action.
Immigration levels last year were about three times higher than in 2019, when the Tories won the last election with a promise to slash migrant numbers, although they were lower than in 2022.3
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I watch a few sailors on you tube who sail full time around the world, every country they visit they have to check in apply for a visa state how long they are staying and pay for the privelige and that includes shengan, then when they leave they have to check out,
So you agree we're not "letting people come in here without restrictions" like you said?

I think we X posted -

Where does it say in there that we are "letting people come here with no restrictions"?

I meant the figures in the article but i think you knew that.

As i pointed out - the Tories won the last election with a promise to slash migrant numbers because "They are far too high" they haven't its three times higher which means they haven't restricted it.

In May, it said net migration - the difference between the number of people coming to live in the UK and those leaving - for 2022 had been 606,000, 139,000 lower than the true figure.
No 10 said migration was "far too high" but it was taking action.
Immigration levels last year were about three times higher than in 2019, when the Tories won the last election with a promise to slash migrant numbers, although they were lower than in 2022.3
The whole argument is cooked up so we don't point the finger at the politicians and politics that have failed us. Our population needs to increase. None of the f*ckers are willing to admit to it though. And rather than invest properly in improving public services, they point the finger of blame at immigrants. Immigrants, the majority of whom are permitted by law to be here, and contribute to the economy.

Can I ask a question? Would you be interested in the migration numbers if public services performed well, and in line with your expectations? If so, why?
Well said. Pensions don't just magically come from somewhere*. With the baby boomers wanting their triple lock pension, someone has to be putting money into the pot. It's a simple fact of life.
No idea. I didn't ask them.

But if there is a problem with "illegal immigrants" it means that "people have come here against the law" which means "there is a law" which means "there are restrictions".

Every time I enter the country I have to show my passport. Foreigners need to have visas or from a country where we have visa waiver programs agreed. If those aren't restrictions, I don't know what are 😂

Let me know if that logic is too complicated for you
The logic is indifferent, but it doesn't work in any case because anybody coming into the country other than by "legal" means are considered, here, to be illegal immigrants. But many of them, particularly the coracle armada are asylum seekers and: Article 31 of the UN Refugee Convention states that refugees cannot be penalised for entering the country illegally to claim asylum ..... provided they “present themselves without delay to the authorities and show good cause for their illegal entry or presence”.
Now, as far as I can see from the thread, we are making no distinction between refugees and economic migrants and that's something we need to sort out. Lets face it, if they were all truly "illegal immigrants" then there wouldn't be a problem as we'd send them all back. But we don't because we have obligations under international law.
Yes it is see post above

It might be worth looking a bit closer at your graph. Google UK GDP 1969, then google UK GDP 2023. You're wrong on this, by a big margin.

We did have good GDP growth during the 1960s. Guess what? The 1960s was also a time where our population grew higher than any other time.
It might be worth looking a bit closer at your graph. Google UK GDP 1969, then google UK GDP 2023. You're wrong on this, by a big margin.

We did have good GDP growth during the 1960s. Guess what? The 1960s was also a time where our population grew higher than any other time.
Facts and truth don't matter in the world today. You can ignore facts that don't support your world view and cherry pick the ones that do.

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