General election

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Which party will you vote for

  • Labour

  • Conservative

  • Reform

  • Green

  • SNP

  • Lib Dem

  • Still on the fence.

  • Plaid cymru

  • Local Independant

Results are only viewable after voting.
Bloody wimp, this is how to do it.

As a safety engineer I can't say I agree with this on so many levels, leave it at that.

On a different note did anyone catch the Tory's wheeling out Boris to spew his vile attacks on Labour likening then to Putin, they must be desperate if pulling old BoJO out of retirement !
Last 3 polls below it looks like Rishi is going down with his ship tomorrow, who will take his place.

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Does anyone know roughly what time the first results are likely to be in?
11.45pm for one of the seats in the North East (of England). The one that always has the record of being first. It’s a safe Labour seat but the pundits say they will be looking at the swing to gauge how the rest may go. The bulk start coming in at 2-3am onwards but the pundits are putting a lot of faith in their exit poll since not many viewers are likely to sit up right through. I’ll be retiring to bed as usual because whatever happens, a government will get in.
Does anyone know roughly what time the first results are likely to be in?

Exit polls tend to be within a few seats of the actual result, and those will be published at 10pm.

There's a small caveat is that there is that so many seats are changing hands or being contested that it could be less accurate than in the previous few elections.

First declarations are expected at 1130-1145ish, we'll get around 80 seats up to 3am, but the vast majority will come between 3am and 5am. Last declaration is estimated at 630am.

Full list of estimated declaration times are here:
11.45pm for one of the seats in the North East (of England). The one that always has the record of being first. It’s a safe Labour seat but the pundits say they will be looking at the swing to gauge how the rest may go. The bulk start coming in at 2-3am onwards but the pundits are putting a lot of faith in their exit poll since not many viewers are likely to sit up right through. I’ll be retiring to bed as usual because whatever happens, a government will get in.

Think it's Middlesbrough and Sunderland that race each other for the first declaration?
A buddy and I are debating how many seats the tories will end up with.
He says 132
I say 99 (admittedly I may just be trying to manifest them dropping to double digits).
My partner says 117.
Any other takes.

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