General election

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Facts and truth don't matter in the world today. You can ignore facts that don't support your world view and cherry pick the ones that do.

I would actually have more respect if someone was up front and said that they worry about migration because they want Britain to be British (because let's face it, that's what it boils down to for the Farages of this world), rather than couch their arguments in lies and mistruths about migrants and migration.

I would fundamentally disagree with their viewpoint, but at least they're being honest.
I would actually have more respect if someone was up front and said that they worry about migration because they want Britain to be British (because let's face it, that's what it boils down to for the Farages of this world), rather than couch their arguments in lies and mistruths about migrants and migration.

Number 10 said immigration was "far too high" then the number went up by three times the amount, the NHS is in a mess people are dying in ambulances and in hospital corridors and then we have very long waiting lists for operations etc, you struggle to get a doctors or dentist appointment (you cannot register with a dentists here) people are struggling to find homes to rent and the young cannot get on the housing ladder, no one is saying we shouldn't let people in but the numbers as number 10 says themselves are far too high.

In May, it said net migration - the difference between the number of people coming to live in the UK and those leaving - for 2022 had been 606,000, 139,000 lower than the true figure.
No 10 said migration was "far too high" but it was taking action.
Immigration levels last year were about three times higher than in 2019, when the Tories won the last election with a promise to slash migrant numbers, although they were lower than in 2022.3

House of Commons Library

Migration statistics

Research Briefing
Published Friday, 24 May, 2024

What are the UK’s latest migrations statistics?

The latest estimates on migration from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) suggest that in 2023:

  • 1.2 million people migrated into the UK and 532,000 people emigrated from it, leaving a net migration figure of 685,000. This represents the balance of long-term migrants moving in and out of the country.
The latest ONS population estimates for the whole of the UK suggest that, in the year ending June 2021, there were:

  • 6.0 million people were living in the UK who had the nationality of a different country (9% of the total population). This does not include dual nationals where one nationality is British.
  • 3.4 million EU nationals (excluding UK) were living in the UK are the UK's latest,net migration figure of 685,000.
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Number 10 said immigration was "far too high" then the number went up by three times the amount, the NHS is in a mess people are dying in ambulances and in hospital corridors and then we have very long waiting lists for operations etc, you struggle to get a doctors or dentist appointment (you cannot register with a dentists here) people are struggling to find homes to rent and the young cannot get on the housing ladder, no one is saying we shouldn't let people in but the numbers as number 10 says themselves are far too high.

House of Commons Library

Migration statistics

Research Briefing
Published Friday, 24 May, 2024

What are the UK’s latest migrations statistics?

The latest estimates on migration from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) suggest that in 2023:

  • 1.2 million people migrated into the UK and 532,000 people emigrated from it, leaving a net migration figure of 685,000. This represents the balance of long-term migrants moving in and out of the country.
The latest ONS population estimates for the whole of the UK suggest that, in the year ending June 2021, there were:

  • 6.0 million people were living in the UK who had the nationality of a different country (9% of the total population). This does not include dual nationals where one nationality is British.
  • 3.4 million EU nationals (excluding UK) were living in the UK are the UK's latest,net migration figure of 685,000.

"Number 10 said the number was too high". Based on what? I'll make the point again, any number can be problematic if there is a corresponding lack of investment in public services.

Numbers are arbitrary without context. What number would you, or the government be more comfortable with?

And sorry to mention the B word again, but wasn't Brexit meant to give us control of our borders..? Schrödinger's Brexit benefits, we simultaneously have control and no control over our borders. The government just wants to have it both ways. They are just not honest about the fact that they need immigration for public finances. This is legal migration. They could change the rules tomorrow if they wanted to reduce numbers. The other part that they are not so vocal about is that those migration figures wouldn't be an issue if they actually invested properly in house building and public services.
"Number 10 said the number was too high". Based on what? I'll make the point again, any number can be problematic if there is a corresponding lack of investment in public services.
Numbers are arbitrary without context. What number would you, or the government be more comfortable with?

I dont know what they base the figures on and if i knew the number that would allow us to fix all the problems we have and still allow immigration at the highest number i wouldnt be driving a truck for a living!

Are you saying the numbers in the report below are a lie do you know the real figures if this is the case?

I'll make the point again, any number can be problematic if there is a corresponding lack of investment in public services.

And i will make my point again -

Due to lack of investment the NHS is in a mess people are dying in ambulances and in hospital corridors and then we have very long waiting lists for operations etc, you struggle to get a doctors or dentist appointment (you cannot register with a dentists here) people are struggling to find homes to rent and the young cannot get on the housing ladder, no one is saying we shouldn't let people in but the numbers as number 10 says themselves (685,000 in 2023) are far too high.

House of Commons Library

Migration statistics​

Research Briefing
Published Friday, 24 May, 2024

What are the UK’s latest migrations statistics?​

The latest estimates on migration from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) suggest that in 2023:

  • 1.2 million people migrated into the UK and 532,000 people emigrated from it, leaving a net migration figure of 685,000. This represents the balance of long-term migrants moving in and out of the country.
The latest ONS population estimates for the whole of the UK suggest that, in the year ending June 2021, there were:

  • 6.0 million people were living in the UK who had the nationality of a different country (9% of the total population). This does not include dual nationals where one nationality is British.
  • 3.4 million EU nationals (excluding UK) were living in the UK are the UK's latest,net migration figure of 685,000.
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Are you saying the numbers in the report below are a lie do you know the real figures if this is the case?

Where on earth are you getting that with my post? I'm saying that number means f*ck all without any context.

I could tell you that I used 10kg of roasted malt in my last batch. That number in isolation tells you nothing, other than I used 10kg of roasted malt.

The government can say it's too much all they want, but it means absolutely nothing.
Due to lack of investment the NHS is in a mess people are dying in ambulances and in hospital corridors and then we have very long waiting lists for operations etc, you struggle to get a doctors or dentist appointment (you cannot register with a dentists here) people are struggling to find homes to rent and the young cannot get on the housing ladder, no one is saying we shouldn't let people in but the numbers as number 10 says themselves are far too high based on the report below

You/government say that immigration numbers are too high. I put it to you that we have too few houses/Doctors/Dentists. It's all about perspective. It's in the government's interest to place the blame on immigration numbers rather than acknowledge that they have failed to ensure that adequate houses/Doctors/Dentists are available for the migration that they have allowed.

They are being incredibly disingenuous, and taking the electorate for fools. Very effectively.
You/government say that immigration numbers are too high. I put it to you that we have too few houses/Doctors/Dentists. It's all about perspective. It's in the government's interest to place the blame on immigration numbers rather than acknowledge that they have failed to ensure that adequate houses/Doctors/Dentists are available for the migration that they have allowed.

Right so its the Tories fault for not investing enough in the NHS, doctors, dentists and housing meaning we are all struggling to get appointments etc so with that in mind how can they keep letting huge numbers in until they have made the aforementioned investment all this is doing is making matters worse.
Right so its the Tories fault for not investing enough in the NHS, doctors, dentists and housing meaning we are all struggling to get appointments etc so with that in mind how can they keep letting huge numbers in until they have made the aforementioned investment all this is doing is making matters worse.

That's up to them. They told us that Brexit would allow us full control of our borders. Right?

You have to laugh at a party saying immigration is too high when they're the ones who've been in power for a decade and a half.
That's up to them. They told us that Brexit would allow us full control of our borders. Right?

You have to laugh at a party saying immigration is too high when they're the ones who've been in power for a decade and a half.
Do you actually believe anything because all i see is a one way narative which is my view or no view, you seem to have tunnel vision, as i said earlier we live on an island and the huge numbers coming in is to many, i don't want to live in a concrete conurbation i like the greenish of this wonderful country and i am no racist i love all the diversity immigration brings, on Thursday i had my hair cut by a guy from Syria who has just arrived here after living in Singapore for 10 years turns out his nephew lives in my street whom i also converse with, so please don't ever call me a racist Thank you
Do you actually believe anything because all i see is a one way narative which is my view or no view, you seem to have tunnel vision, as i said earlier we live on an island and the huge numbers coming in is to many, i don't want to live in a concrete conurbation i like the greenish of this wonderful country and i am no racist i love all the diversity immigration brings, on Thursday i had my hair cut by a guy from Syria who has just arrived here after living in Singapore for 10 years turns out his nephew lives in my street whom i also converse with, so please don't ever call me a racist Thank you

I understand there are limits, I just don't accept the narrative that the government (including the incoming one) peddles. I am open to sensible arguments grounded in reality.

I also never called you, or anyone else for that matter, a racist.
I never said you had, but you use the word a lot when you refare to people anywere right of centre

Any examples? That's quite the accusation.

There are perfectly legitimate beliefs held and decent people to the right of politics. I just happen not to share much of their ideology.
This a joke right

A man in the governing party showing mock outrage at how ***** government departments are run. It would be a joke if it wasn't so tragic.

Lee Anderson is also one of the biggest grifters out there. That man changes his party more often than I change my pants.