Eu result!

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I did vote, I spoiled my paper....Why ???
The average voting British citizen (me included) is not clever enough to see the bigger picture. We vote with our hearts before our minds. We do not know what will happen in the future.
There should never have been a referendum in the first place.
I understand democracy and all that, but its too much of a gamble to let your heart rule your mind.
So who should we get to make the decision if we "Leave" or "Remain" ?
Certainly not politicians, WTF do they know, they are only looking after their own interests.
JMHO...We should choose the top 500 interlectuals in the UK to decide. Im talking about the cleverest people in the UK.
Top bankers, Mathameticians, the Arts, Commerce, Physisits, Chemists, Biologist, Historians, Chess Players, Crossword compliers, Statasticians.....think Bletchley Park, Sportspeople, Captains of Industry, Chefs, Teachers, whoever.
It should then be up to them to make the decision.

That wouldn't be democracy and if something went wrong, everyone would blame those few people anyway...
You guys have a good economy, the reason why UK never changed their pound to eur - I think you'll be just fine w/o EU.
Not my favourite comedian, but Frankie Boyle nailed a few things with these Tweets:

"Still, it's been good to see an election where we've focused on what unites us, which, sadly, is hatred."

Priceless!! :thumb: :thumb:


Frankie Boyle the political heavyweight who was thrown off a show for the joke below, priceless. :thumb: :thumb:

Warning - do not watch if bigotry offends you.


Er.... to govern the tiny area covered by the UK we have ...

... elected bodies that comprise four Parliaments (or Assemblies) and hundreds of County Councils, Town Councils, Parish Councils, Police Commissioners, Mayors etc (all on wages and/or expenses) ...

... unelected bodies such as the House of Lords, the Judiciary, the Military, the Police, the Civil Service etc (all on wages and expenses).

We invented "cumbersome" government so how about:

"And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye,
but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?"

Enjoy! :thumb::thumb:

Of course we have enough already - why do we need more of it? My local parish council Gowerton what do they do? - maybe pay the county council to hang up some hanging baskets. whoopie do! There should only be enough government to keep law and order and look after the interests of its people as a whole.

Anything else is a tax on the people?
Before the referendum, it was quite obvious that no one really knew exactly what was going to happen, but post results there has been a lot more racism and xenophobia in Britain and right wing groups across Europe are also using this a rallying cry. Britain used to be multi-cultural and open and now the Union Jack is a symbol for Europe's far right, the pound has crashed, Scotland wants to break away, there are calls for a unified Ireland which can result in violence, Spain is making claims to Gibraltar. Admittedly, I'll be surprised if the latter 2 points become more than mere sabre rattling though.

leave campaigners don't seem to have a plan, they've already gone back on their word that NHS will be funded with EU money and have said immigration probably won't be cut either. A lot of people who voted leave regret their decision after seeing all this happen.

Point being, I think remain's predictions so far are more accurate.

P.S. Love Frankie Boyle!
Not one out of 650 we can trust then we have the Lords. If you have not heard of Agenda21 please do some research. It is being implemented worldwide without our consent. [ame][/ame] . Please also look into Common Purpose and the work of Brian Gerrish. You will never get any truth from the TV or MSM.
Not one out of 650 we can trust then we have the Lords. If you have not heard of Agenda21 please do some research. It is being implemented worldwide without our consent. . Please also look into Common Purpose and the work of Brian Gerrish. You will never get any truth from the TV or MSM.

Very thought provoking! :thumb: :thumb:

Individuals are often pilloried as "Conspiracy Theorists" when they question the activities of governments or international corporations; but that shouldn't stop anyone from listening to what they have to say before making up their own minds.

Before retirement I developed procedures for some of the biggest oil and gas companies in the world and on many occasions I was told to remove the phrases and all references to "Climate Change" and "Global Warming".

Was that a conspiracy by these international companies? You will have to make up your own minds. :whistle: :whistle:
I don't know why I am engaging with this I never even voted leave but I just find it ridiculous to suggest nobody had any reason to want to leave.. not saying they have made the right choice for everyone or even whether brexit will be the the best or worst in the long run..

As for the NHS yes is has issues but I am related to and know a lot of people in the NHS and they can go into extensive detail as to why they want to leave and try something different as it is their only hope..

I don't see the point in debating it , some people seem completely unwilling to accept different people from different parts of the country have different views and opinions. That is one of the biggest challenges we face accepting others are different. One thing which we have heard alot about is "intolerance".. it works all ways I am afraid..

I think this is a sad collective failure of the politicians.. both Westminster and EU

Anyway lets move on, now we hear Nicola Sturgeon is now piping up about a possible veto on brexit..

The next few months are going to be interesting.. grab your pop corn lads..
I don't see the point in debating it , some people seem completely unwilling to accept different people from different parts of the country have different views and opinions.

It would appear a lot of the stay supporters (and i don't mean here) are so ignorant they are convinced the only reason the great unwashed voted leave is because they are racist, how could you have a debate with someone so narrow minded.
It would appear a lot of the stay supporters (and i don't mean here) are so ignorant they are convinced the only reason the great unwashed voted leave is because they are racist, how could you have a debate with someone so narrow minded.
I voted leave
how dare you call me unwashed
i had a bath last year and i wash every week:mrgreen:
I now hear there is a call for London to go independant and join the EU, what a load of b#####s Accept the result and get on with it. Will we in future call for another General election if it doesn't suit certain groups!, na. .As for Nicolla , let her call another referendum for Scottish independance and lets see how the vote goes, she may well still loose .
Here's a lovely quote from Rudyard Kipling from a Guardian article. Kipling was aiming his comments at the fanatical politicians of his own age but the poem describes Boris, Nigel and whatever Gove's first name is!

"I could not dig; I dared not rob:
Therefore I lied to please the mob.
Now all my lies are proved untrue
And I must face the men I slew.
What tale shall serve me here among
Mine angry and defrauded young?"

Add the latest interview from Sky News:

Sky News political editor Faisal Islam has been left speechless after claiming
a Conservative pro-Brexit MP told him the Leave campaign “didn’t have a plan” for Brexit
and “number 10 should have had one”.

I will stoutly defend the fact that I am blameless ... :thumb::thumb:

... 'cos I believed the "Remain" set of lies! :whistle: :whistle:|ukt2|dl1|sec1_lnk2&pLid=473499

I'm sure that a lot of the people who voted "Leave" are already upset at what the Brexit Leaders are doing with their vote so I am going to abandon this subject before I upset them any more! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Lets hear it then, why did the leave supporters vote leave?

I am fairly sure if you read all 5 pages of this thread (that you have posted 8 times in) you will have your answer.

If we have another vote i will this time vote and it will be leave, i want a proper hoover, i don't want these unelected overpaid sods forcing these rules on us, i would like to see them try get my bulldogs hair off my settee with a crappy under-powered hoover, sod em. :wink:

8) We could have proper vacuum cleaners

Under an EU regulation that took effect in 2014, vacuum cleaners with the most powerful motors (1,600 watts and above) are banned. The European Commission says the ban will save energy and encourage more efficient devices. Which?, a consumer group, says it prohibits some of the best machines currently being made. Sir James Dyson, the British industrialist, says the efficiency rules were skewed to favour German vacuums over his products.
OK I've read through all the pages and still can't find a reason, a real reason why people ignored experts (oh sorry Gove said don't listen to experts, listen to Gove the redtop journalist)
though you've provided a reason, (one for the vacuum cleaners made in Malaysia, terrific....)
Now a reason for leaving??
one for the vacuum cleaners made in Malaysia, terrific....

This is the problem (as discussed by Covrich see quote below), you don't think the suction power of my hoover is important, but you don't have a bulldog that casts 24/7 and a settee that holds onto the hair like its been glued to it, vote leave it is. :wink:

some people seem completely unwilling to accept different people from different parts of the country have different views and opinions. That is one of the biggest challenges we face accepting others are different. One thing which we have heard alot about is "intolerance".. it works all ways I am afraid..
so it purely confirms my views that leave supporters wanting, and believing, no this, no that waahay are actually total suckers...
so it purely confirms my views that leave supporters wanting, and believing, no this, no that waahay are actually total suckers...

It confirms that when some people put bait out there is always someone that will swallow it, sucker! :lol:
so it purely confirms my views that leave supporters wanting, and believing, no this, no that waahay are actually total suckers...

Where I think the innie leaders failed was to offer anything more than the status quo 'more or the same'. They propably thought the plebs will vote the way we tell em to.
If I was poor, working,class and from up north and had been vilified, reviled and $hat upon, by the Tories for the past several years then told vote remain for more of the same and if you dont your a racist. I'd be thinking 'shall I risk possibly getting somthing better by voting out or may be something worse. How much worse can my ****ty life get?'
Where I think the innie leaders failed was to offer anything more than the status quo 'more or the same'. They propably thought the plebs will vote the way we tell em to.
If I was poor, working,class and from up north and had been vilified, reviled and $hat upon, by the Tories for the past several years then told vote remain for more of the same and if you dont your a racist. I'd be thinking 'shall I risk possibly getting somthing better by voting out or may be something worse. How much worse can my ****ty life get?'

:clap: ...........................

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