Eu result!

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id happily give �£2.50 pw as long its going to be used on our own country's needs not some other country in the EU

Well said Mick.

The more i read "could the brexit cause (insert bad news here)" the more i wish i had voted out.

Its not all doom and gloom as the stay lot would have us all believe.

This was not aimed at you MyQul i see we X-posted.


I heard some kids on the radio this am (R4) and their arguments were embarrassing and completely one dimensional. I say this only cos I voted to JOIN the EEC..yep...thats the European Economic Community... and that doest exist was nothing to do with parliaments and commissioners and a never ending gravy train of over paid 'crats. Thats the reason I voted out nothing more nothing less...Im a big fan of the EEC but not all the wasted billions on bureaucracy for unelected tossers to wine and dine themselves at my expense ....wheres my coat??
I heard someone say they were worried their holidays may cost more, nice to see they have their priorities in order. :roll:

Well said Mick.

The more i read "could the brexit cause (insert bad news here)" the more i wish i had voted out.

Its not all doom and gloom as the stay lot would have us all believe.

This was not aimed at you MyQul i see we X-posted.


not sure why you put the picture there...
most JCBs are not made in this country
And seeing as we're on manufacturing, Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson (USA passport holder) was quoting Dyson as a manufacturing link for this country, but Dyson seems to manufacture mainly in Malaysia
most JCBs are not made in this country

I didn't say they were, i am saying when Lord Bamford the boss of the company says there is little to fear from leaving plebs like me take a little comfort.
Maybe its just me but the £350m per week going to EU that we got 1/2 back thru various schemes, the other half of it that we now get to keep, maybe starting to pay of the £1,700,000,000,000 national debt seems like a good start, or is that just to much like common sense?
Maybe its just me but the �£350m per week going to EU that we got 1/2 back thru various schemes, the other half of it that we now get to keep, maybe starting to pay of the �£1,700,000,000,000 national debt seems like a good start, or is that just to much like common sense?
The other half you will pleased to know feeds and waters the EU 'crats
Maybe its just me but the £350m per week going to EU that we got 1/2 back thru various schemes, the other half of it that we now get to keep, maybe starting to pay of the £1,700,000,000,000 national debt seems like a good start, or is that just to much like common sense?

From my stance in Liverpool I've got such a sense of abandonment now that we are no longer an eu member. We were left to rot under thatcher so what's stopping this Tory government doing the same?
I'll chime in.

I've never voted, and I never will. What's the point?

Without sounding like a whack job, I don't believe your vote matters a jot. A handful of people control this world.

Your just a mere tax payer.

Some contracts at my place are with non EU countries. So I'm fine, I couldn't give one flying proverbial.

Money is for rich people not us. Nothing will ever change.
Bad News:
At 73 we can't get meaningful health insurance for extended visits to Europe so losing the EHIC will hit us hard!

Good News
The collapse of the GB Pound against the Euro means that we can no longer afford to go on extended visits to Europe anyway! :doh:

Cynical? Me? Never! :whistle: :whistle:
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