Eu result!

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count me in for the third :smile:, and maybe a nice bit of non thrown off the boat fish for a slight blemish late supper to soak up the grog!

Have to agree on the 'seconds' not fit for market. The wasted food is terrible, especially the ocean.

I think this has something to do with eu regulations, I'm not entirely sure.

Just turned over some of my potatoes so if I can just shoot a squirrel now, I'm sorted. In or out ;-)
of course this means more 'temporary immagration' - a.k.a. tourists as we become a cheaper destination.

With any decision there are swings and roundabouts. For me cutting an unelected tier of government out of the process was important. we have councillors, (local) MP's, in wales AM's, and for Europe there were MEP's. 2-tier government is more than enough TYVM. government sprawl and regulation was just getting out of hand :nono:

It's almost as complicated as belguims goverment

the EU just got too big and cumbersome in my view

Never knew this, thanks for the video and pickling my mind. As I'm sure most Belgian, French German speaking Belgians feel ;-)
Originally Posted by dad_of_jon View Post
of course this means more 'temporary immagration' - a.k.a. tourists as we become a cheaper destination.

With any decision there are swings and roundabouts. For me cutting an unelected tier of government out of the process was important. we have councillors, (local) MP's, in wales AM's, and for Europe there were MEP's. 2-tier government is more than enough TYVM. government sprawl and regulation was just getting out of hand

It's almost as complicated as belguims goverment

the EU just got too big and cumbersome in my view

For those that don't want to go off site -

Here is something I can empathise with for leavers ..

There are two primary schools close by to me one my two go to and the other has LESS than 40 percent of the children who go to it speak English as their first language, the school teachers assistant have to accomodate for this and make up for it.. Would you have a problem sending yoru child to a school there?? tbh I would be telling a bare face lie if I had to send mine there and it didn't bother me..

We don't know what will happen, it will be interesting over the next few weeks months even years..

I can understand people are upset but it is done, if you didn't get the result, we need to now pull together and make the best of it without being shrill

I just wish people were more accepting before and after..Acceptpeople have a different view and a different need without them being traitors to their country, without them being a bigot or racist and now post vote 17 million UK residents are uneducated xenephobic racists.. It upsets me that we are so divided we feel the need to make narrow minded sweeping generalizations. I felt remain shown more hate than they claimed brexit did.

Onwards and upwards
Things for me that stand out,

How many who voted to join the EEC in the 70's with the hindsight of what became of it now in the 2000-2020 would still have voted for it as the way forward?

The original 6 member countries as a social experiment before being joined by the UK as a common market idealogy

The one thing more than any other, nevermind migrancy, immigration, public services drain, EU dictatorialship policy making, overburdening GDP tax, lack of engagement by disconnected politicians or an EU human rights policy where it is almost an offence to kick someone out of your own house who is trying to burgle from you is the fact of where the EU would have ended up should it have been left unchecked, I'm no Cameron fan but at least he had the balls to put it out there, he may have bitten on his own bullet but really could a 28 member US of E succeded when there are 25 different languages, f*** knows how many politically idealogical zealots contained within and a totally unelected policy making politburu dictating there will upon 500m people.
To be fair, he only did it because he thought it might passify the eurosceptic wing of his party. Not because he wanted to give the electorate a choice

Became part of their manifesto wasn't it?? we know politicians lie and don't keep promises (we sure have had them beat it in our ears the past 6 months) But I think he backed himself into a corner with that one, he could have not talked his way out of it.

the EU just got too big and cumbersome in my view

Er.... to govern the tiny area covered by the UK we have ...

... elected bodies that comprise four Parliaments (or Assemblies) and hundreds of County Councils, Town Councils, Parish Councils, Police Commissioners, Mayors etc (all on wages and/or expenses) ...

... unelected bodies such as the House of Lords, the Judiciary, the Military, the Police, the Civil Service etc (all on wages and expenses).

We invented "cumbersome" government so how about:

"And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye,
but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?"

Enjoy! :thumb::thumb:
I did vote, I spoiled my paper....Why ???
The average voting British citizen (me included) is not clever enough to see the bigger picture. We vote with our hearts before our minds. We do not know what will happen in the future.
There should never have been a referendum in the first place.
I understand democracy and all that, but its too much of a gamble to let your heart rule your mind.
So who should we get to make the decision if we "Leave" or "Remain" ?
Certainly not politicians, WTF do they know, they are only looking after their own interests.
JMHO...We should choose the top 500 interlectuals in the UK to decide. Im talking about the cleverest people in the UK.
Top bankers, Mathameticians, the Arts, Commerce, Physisits, Chemists, Biologist, Historians, Chess Players, Crossword compliers, Statasticians.....think Bletchley Park, Sportspeople, Captains of Industry, Chefs, Teachers, whoever.
It should then be up to them to make the decision.
Not my favourite comedian, but Frankie Boyle nailed a few things with these Tweets:

"Still, it's been good to see an election where we've focused on what unites us, which, sadly, is hatred."

"Don't forget that we can restore the value of Sterling simply by buying pounds off each other. I'm offering 30p each."

"Still, at least we have put a stop to economic migration, by making the pound worthless."

"And as Boris takes control, we finally understand that they wanted to control our borders so they could stop us from fleeing."

and finally

"It's important to just accept the result and move on, possibly to another country."

Priceless!! :thumb: :thumb:
Became part of their manifesto wasn't it?? we know politicians lie and don't keep promises (we sure have had them beat it in our ears the past 6 months) But I think he backed himself into a corner with that one, he could have not talked his way out of it.
sadly for Cameron made himself look like a dictator in the last month I feel. people don't like being forced to do something and I'm reaching the conclusion this may have played a part with the non voters?every news bulletin about the campaign seemed to always be a scaremonger tactic from the remain side.
The remain side might well have used scaremongering tactics, the pound crashing, no going back, acrimonious, & etc which seem to be playing themselves out, whilst leave side aimed for cloud cuckoo land hopes & aspirations which are already being pooh-poohed by themselves So there will be no new hospitals from the spuriously quoted £350000000, no reduced migration, & to get a new deal with EU will show exactly why leaving was nothing to do with looking after the needs of the UK population but everything to do with the tory party moving to the far right taking in their ukip bedfellows
The remain side might well have used scaremongering tactics, the pound crashing, no going back, acrimonious, & etc which seem to be playing themselves out, whilst leave side aimed for cloud cuckoo land hopes & aspirations which are already being pooh-poohed by themselves So there will be no new hospitals from the spuriously quoted �£350000000, no reduced migration, & to get a new deal with EU will show exactly why leaving was nothing to do with looking after the needs of the UK population but everything to do with the tory party moving to the far right taking in their ukip bedfellows

As someone being neutral about it both sides were awful, yes leave were very economical with the truth, but remain were very economical too and Dave was just lying in the end too.

What I think tipped the scales was remain ended up trying to become a smear campaign insulting and being stereotyping to 50% of the country , they practically burnt my remain vote. (which was were I was leaning towards)

Will immigration be better once brexit is complete?? who knows.. I don't and sorry neither do you.

I am ashamed to say I spoilt my ballot but I know many people who voted out and with justifiable reasons to do so.. My wife was one, she is a band 7 sister nurse at Rugby Hospital and has been in the NHS for 13 years, My mother a band 8 sister Nurse at Coventry University hospital been in the NHS for god knows how long most of my life anyway. one of our freinds a district nurse and her husband a Paramedic, all of them say the same thing. the NHS has a death date on it.. is immigration the problem? no there are many problems but immigration is one of them.. something that remain couldn't do anything about.. for them leave was there only hope, whether it comes to fruit or not.. There were many other NHS reasons too but tbh they'd be better explaining it rather than me..

Like I said I never ended up siding in the end, but this view point if you voted leave is because you believed a lying campaign uneducated xenophobe and you don't live in london or too old has to stop.. many people voted leave with good reason too regardless of our disgusting leaders behaviors.

Don't blame the people, blame the so called leaders. It was so bad I decided not to vote either.

It is done now , time to move on.. it is democracy.

Onwards and upwards
And citing the NHS as a reason does seem a little strange, surely that is the austerity cuts and creeping privatization
........... every news bulletin about the campaign seemed to always be a scaremonger tactic from the remain side.

It will only be "scaremongering" if their predictions are proved to be wrong ... :nono: :nono:

... and so far I see no sign of that happening. :whistle: :whistle:


I'm sat here watching another rich kid (this time it's Hilary Benn) slagging off yet another political figure (Jeremy Corbyn) ...

... because he's just been sacked by Jeremy Corbyn! :lol: :lol:

God they are funny these people who govern us! :grin: :grin:

Oh, TV has now moved to Iain Duncan Smith who is explaining what the Brexit Brigade "actually said".

Neither I nor SWMBO can remember him saying anything of the sort and he is now denying the "three hundred and fifty million pounds a week" sign!

Does anyone else find that the words "**** Ups", "Breweries" and "Couldn't Manage" spring to my mind?? :whistle:
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