Covid Passports

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Do you think Covid Passports should be implemented?

  • No

    Votes: 24 34.3%
  • Yes for Carers

    Votes: 9 12.9%
  • Yes to entertainment venues, pubs, restaurants

    Votes: 8 11.4%
  • Yes for foreign travel

    Votes: 23 32.9%
  • Yes for all

    Votes: 21 30.0%

  • Total voters
i dont know what right or wrong but the way i understand it the young really dont need the vax.? older and vulnerable will and just because you have the vax doesn't mean you cannot pass it on to someone? please dont shoot me down but i cannot see why someone thats young and healthy maynot be aloud in a pub because they have not had the vax when in all reality they can catch the virus off someone who has being vaxed? as i say dont shoot me down but its all a little confusing to me.

Post 73.
The big worry surely is that the licensed trade was staggering well before covid; pubs were are shutting down on a regular basis. Whatever happens or doesn't happen with passports, as posts here clearly indicate, many customers are hesitant about returning, to say the least. And all this with social distancing rules still in place to some extent. I really fear for the future of our pubs.
Well,fair comment...but that's the same for cinema,theatre,bowling fact anything "inside". Otherwise is a complete pantomime based on nonesense.
My twopenny worth
Its every persons responsibility that's safe to be vaccinated should be. If the virus cannot replicate it cannot mutate for one.
If in any public gathering I for one will want to feel pretty safe - if that needs a person to prove he/she has been jabbed so be it.
A passport may only be required for a short while anyway- if its electronically held then it will be on a device that i will be switch off when not required
Passports surely cannot be introduced until all adults have had/been offered the jab though.
There is going to be a risk, there is every time one gets on a bike, m/cycle or even a car, but we still do it

I intend to head to a pubs garden as soon as I can - Pubs that I know have made every effort to safeguard my well-being, (and are not too busy.)

I have driven the wife around for six months whilst she has waited for cataract surgery - now its pay back time I hope!

Covid is here, we have got to learn to live with, and control it
You can't protect against everything. It's like taking an umbrella out with you and complaining your shoes get wet when it does actually rain.

Life is for living, whether it's 80 mins or 80 years.

All I'm saying is you can't expect a hospitality business to police stupidity. There's always people walking round the supermarkets without masks and they have a much larger income to be able to police it than the local pub or cafe.
Interesting it up to the retailer/premises to police anything?
Look at "proof of purchase" don't actually need a receipt...if your Mrs says you were there then that's good enough...
Chile is in the top 5 of the world vaccinations, this makes interesting reading Chile: Alarming rise in COVID cases despite vaccination efforts | Latin America News | Al Jazeera it is rampant and on the rise again in one of the most vaccinated countrys in the world, when will we get it in our heads a virus doesn't care who you are how much money you have or if your dyeing for a pint in a pub or a steak dinner, you can introduce all the passports you like but at the end of the day mother nature will run her coarse, sorry to be so blunt stay safe and look after your famlie's
do you know all these anti vac people and thats ones that do not believe that we should not have Vaccines ID's before we allow them in to pubs etc need to remember the men and women that did not question the right to give their lives to save this country which would not exist with the freedoms we want or they expect from the world wars their parents and grand parents would turn in their graves at the thoughts they have. JUST play the game and do not mix with people that do not believe that it is ok to allow people to just carry on as if it does not exist
do you know all these anti vac people and thats ones that do not believe that we should not have Vaccines ID's before we allow them in to pubs etc need to remember the men and women that did not question the right to give their lives to save this country which would not exist with the freedoms we want or they expect from the world wars their parents and grand parents would turn in their graves at the thoughts they have. JUST play the game and do not mix with people that do not believe that it is ok to allow people to just carry on as if it does not exist
Vaccine is highly effective at preventing hospital admissions. We have permitted severe restrictions on our lives on the basis that healthcare services are able to continue to operate safely. Once hospitalisations are no longer an issue, due to near universal vaccine uptake from the identified vulnerable groups (responsible for 98% of hospitalisations), then we should absolutely not be accepting further restrictions of our liberties. A vaccine passport is not necessary, and is therefore unacceptable, for domestic usage. I can fully understand the necessity of it for foreign travel, but any insistence of it for its usage day-to-day is complete ********.
Absolute nonsense and it would appear Bojo has u-turned on it thankfully.

If theyve had the vaccine then what are people afraid of? If an individual is so genuinely scared of a virus that the vast majority of us dont even realise we’ve had, how do they manage to leave the house and why would they go to a pub to sample a harmful toxic substance given that they are obviously so afraid of their own shadow?

A passport is worthless- you could be negative, visit a supermarket and pick up a dose of covid after being coughed upon and then happily present yourself at a pub that evening. But if everyone who needs to be is vaccinated and those that dont need to be (i.e. the young and without existing conditions) are happy to let their immune system do what hundreds of thousands of years of evolution has prepared it for then a passport adds nothing but further waste of money, hassle and interference into our already over controlled and over surveilled lives.
I honestly don't believe a national passport system and excluding people from multiple aspects of society falls under recommended precautions to avoid infection tbh. As far as I am concerned, if there is no risk to the ability of the health service, then personal risk is just that. Personal. If you dont feel your vaccine offers adequate protection in a given setting, dont go there.
this is akin to not having any drink driving laws and saying to people, if you think the roads are too dangerous then don't go on them.
So by "including barstaff" that would imply that the staff have to take the vaccine to work in a pub/bar, in essence becoming mandatory for anyone who works in any place that requires a vaccine passport to be shown for entry. Mandatory vaccination via the backdoor.
I own a pub and my wife and I have both had the jab and our staff all one of them has to have the jab before she starts in may. There is nothing more important than the safety of my patrons. I would be devastated if someone caught COVID in my pub. Even masks will be mandatory when we open until you are sat down. Same rules as we had when we shut in November.
I own a pub and my wife and I have both had the jab and our staff all one of them has to have the jab before she starts in may. There is nothing more important than the safety of my patrons. I would be devastated if someone caught COVID in my pub. Even masks will be mandatory when we open until you are sat down. Same rules as we had when we shut in November.
Your staff "have to have the jab". Or they get the sack?
I also wonder about the science behind the sitting down makes the virus sound like the carrot fly!
Your device is always active...even when it's switched off.
If you want to switch it off... microwave it.

Well this surprised me, I have googled it and there is contrary statements. The one that seemed to make the most sense was you can trace the mobile to its last known active location before it is switched off. This makes sense to me, as to transmit anything it needs power, but I am open for someone more tech savey to correct me.
Given a jab can't guarantee protection from covid 100% but reduces the risks dramatically the viral load you're subjected to in indoor establishments will have a bearing in you getting weather you are vaccinated or not. What are our rights here? Should someone who doesn't want the vaccination have the same rights or not as those that can't have the vaccination? Do the non-vaccinated have the right to spread covid around so they can have a beer in a pub?

It's a bloomin minefield. Personally I will avoid crowded pubs and only visit ones where I have a table. That's regardless of weather there is a passport for entry.

I could see outdoor service only for those who don't have a passport. Not sure how you would deal with the toilets though. - have a plastic portable pee loo?
Well this surprised me, I have googled it and there is contrary statements. The one that seemed to make the most sense was you can trace the mobile to its last known active location before it is switched off. This makes sense to me, as to transmit anything it needs power, but I am open for someone more tech savey to correct me.
put it in the microwave that should block the signal.

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