Covid Passports

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Do you think Covid Passports should be implemented?

  • No

    Votes: 24 34.3%
  • Yes for Carers

    Votes: 9 12.9%
  • Yes to entertainment venues, pubs, restaurants

    Votes: 8 11.4%
  • Yes for foreign travel

    Votes: 23 32.9%
  • Yes for all

    Votes: 21 30.0%

  • Total voters
When the vulnerable are vaccinated then let's open up. I'm sure the science was we needed 80% of the population vaccinated to protect the rest so we're well on the way to this. Was that not the point of lockdown to delay the spread and protect the vulnerable and the NHS. It should be no different to the many variants of influenza with the vulnerable getting an annual jag based on the most virulent strains around at the time.
I've not yet thought through my views on allowing international travel into the country without being vaccinated yet but that's not the debate here.
Well there doesn't seem to be much support for it, from what I have seen the licensed trade are mainly against the idea. As for me, well I'm not interested in sitting outside a pub unless it is really warm and I won't be venturing inside one until I have had my 2nd jab at the earliest. A passport is fine by me and I would be okay with carrying one, and knowing everyone else inside the pub, including barstaff had one would certainly make me feel slightly more secure.

For foreign travel, absolutely should be issued like a visa, stamped passport, nobody used to complain about needing certain jabs for foreign travel previously.

So by "including barstaff" that would imply that the staff have to take the vaccine to work in a pub/bar, in essence becoming mandatory for anyone who works in any place that requires a vaccine passport to be shown for entry. Mandatory vaccination via the backdoor.
Mandatory vaccination via the backdoor.
I'm not sure of your point, I said for me to feel comfortable sitting inside a pub (and drinking from a glass handled by barstaff) if everyone including barstaff have been vaccinated. I did not say it should be mandatory, the trade can do what they like but to get me as a customer I need to feel safe.
Should the so called passports be introduced in the UK or are they impinging our liberties?
If I understand this so called passport aright, it's some kind of certificate to say you've been vaccinated.
On the issue of liberties, I'd like to be at liberty to know what risks I'm taking and for those who are in contact with me, they can make their own assessment of the risk since I can't show that I've been vaccinated. It's all about being able to make informed choices
Galena, my apologies, I know you meant for you to feel safe, and I didn't mean you were saying that it would be mandatory, what I was trying to say was if everyone who enters a place where a vaccine/covid passport would be required then all the staff in that place would have to been vaccinated and have a passport, or they can't work there.
Galena, my apologies, I know you meant for you to feel safe, and I didn't mean you were saying that it would be mandatory, what I was trying to say was if everyone who enters a place where a vaccine/covid passport would be required then all the staff in that place would have to been vaccinated and have a passport, or they can't work there.
No problem and I guess your point relates to my earlier quote from the BBC website where many from the hospitality trade have said it is unworkable.
It is completely unworkable for even a few reasons I can think of off the top of my head.

You can't force people to be vaccinated.

People have lots of reasons not to want to be vaccinated. You may think it's selfish or irresponsible but people have the right to choose. Some religions forbid injections of any kind. Some people are allergic. Some people are extremely terrified of injections.

The hospitality trade is still struggling to deal with the traveller community without adding another huddle/point of grievance.

You can't force your staff to be vaccinated, therefore you can't sack them if they refuse it.

Door staff are expensive, and you can't be door staff without a license, training and insurance. Some pubs are just too small to absorb this one additional cost.

For just the reasons above you can't stop someone coming into your establishment of the basis of not having had a vaccine.

The younger generations do not take covid very seriously it's an unavoidable fact.

Drive past any high school/college at 3pm if you need any proof.

Hospitality venues rely on younger members of staff for a number of reasons. Without them the industry can't function.
For clarity I am 36 with at risk older family members, have had covid and still intend to have the vaccine as soon as I am offered it.
The simple answer is, if you don't feel safe don't do it, i will not be sitting in a pub or eatery until i me deem it safe to do so and for the same reason i will not be sitting in a plane with 200 odd others knowing some on there could kill me, it's all about personal choice
The simple answer is, if you don't feel safe don't do it, i will not be sitting in a pub or eatery until i me deem it safe to do so and for the same reason i will not be sitting in a plane with 200 odd others knowing some on there could kill me, it's all about personal choice
Fair comment, but I would feel safer eating out if I knew the people on the next table and those preparing the food had either had the vaccine or a recent test. I certainly would not feel safe if those on the next table were anti-vaxers or covid deniers.

So therefor me and the wife will be more likely to eat out if vaccine-passports or recent-test certificates were in place.
Fair comment, but I would feel safer eating out if I knew the people on the next table and those preparing the food had either had the vaccine or a recent test. I certainly would not feel safe if those on the next table were anti-vaxers or covid deniers.

So therefor me and the wife will be more likely to eat out if vaccine-passports or recent-test certificates were in place.
I feel exactly the same as you and what if that is the majority view and pubs and restaurants are forced to have passports or go out of business.
I feel exactly the same as you and what if that is the majority view and pubs and restaurants are forced to have passports or go out of business.
If pubs are offered the choice you can open next week provided full covid passport checking is in place, or not open for another month, what do you think they'll chose.
You can't force your staff to be vaccinated, therefore you can't sack them if they refuse it.
I cannot without doubt say that is incorrect and I have heard it said before, but lets take another industry and another health risk as an example.

In the construction industry, dust and noise are two major health hazards, it is a requirement that for your own health you wear a respirator and ear protection, eye protection etc. Some people cannot wear a face mask, many don't want to wear safety glasses. Try refusing to wear them and see how long you last until fired. If you have an allergy to a face mask then then they are obliged to find you alternative work, but if there is non then how do you think this ends?
Fair comment, but I would feel safer eating out if I knew the people on the next table and those preparing the food had either had the vaccine or a recent test. I certainly would not feel safe if those on the next table were anti-vaxers or covid deniers.

So therefor me and the wife will be more likely to eat out if vaccine-passports or recent-test certificates were in place.
Sorry i did mean outside as well athumb..
So by "including barstaff" that would imply that the staff have to take the vaccine to work in a pub/bar, in essence becoming mandatory for anyone who works in any place that requires a vaccine passport to be shown for entry. Mandatory vaccination via the backdoor.

If i worked in one of these places and the government said they were going to allow bar staff to jump the age queue i would have the jab not because its the only way i would be allowed to work behind the bar but to keep myself safe and others safe.
So for anyone that voted no will they go into a crowded pub or restaurant when they are allowed.

I think it'll be a while before i go into a pub crowded or not, when we have all had the first vaccine i will consider it.
Staff who have not been vaccinated due to age medical conditions, would presumably need a recent negtive test to allow them to work.
They won't even allow the Police to age jump, so I can't see that happening.

The police are not handing food and drink to members of the public in close proximity the only time a police officer needs to get close to a member of the public is when they are arresting them so their risk of catching or passing Covid on is much less.