5 foods you will never eat again.

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Tripe... but only coz the tripe stall in the indoor market shut...
I’ll eat anything really, but tripe is on the ‘wouldn’t intentionally order it’ list - which didn’t stop me eating it a few times when I walked the Camino through Spain because I kept forgetting the word. Another ‘nope’ from that experience would be ‘a heaped plateful of lightly cooked octopus late on a hot night before trying to sleep on a plastic covered top bunk in a communal dormitory.’
Not tried for many years, no rush to try again either
1. Tapioca / sago. The old frog spawn pudding
2. Lychee - a fruit version of tapioca
3. Garlic
4. Chili
5. Honeycomb tripe no - brown tripe is good.
6. Semolina pudding

Things that would have been on the list but now not include liver - fried til pink,
Philadelphia cheese coz cheese is hard
Tinned apricots - fury skins
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Foie gras - ordered it once in Belgium, expecting pate and it came medium rare - had to eat it not to lose face in front of French work colleagues!
Mussels - after a bad batch in Brittany - 24 hours puking in a tent
Spam / ham in a tin - grew up on this stuff - never again! What is that jelly stuff for? Wrong!
Corned beef - why does this exist after 1945
Bat soup - used to love this - too risky now!
Baked beans
Scotch pie
Lady fingers
Any pie from a tin ie a Fray Bentos thing
I remember working out in the wilds of NE Scotland one cold day, we reached a village about lunchtime and the village store had a hot cabinet with a few Scotch pies in it. Never has a hot crumbly, juicy, meaty pie been more welcome or savoured. I wanted to go back the following lunchtime, but sadly we were too far away.

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Actually I would pretty well eat most things you guys seem to dislike but I'll try to add mine here
1 - Donuts - just wrong and a heart attack with a hole in it!!
2 - Brains - I reckon I would eat them but unsure..... cooking helps of course....(not including faggots made by said company here)
3 - Quorn - what's that all about???.... veggie products pretending to be meat - just eat frikkin' meat!!!
4 - Richmond Sausages - the ex and her daughter loves that blend of lips, arseholes and sweepings up off the floor
5 - Most supermarket bacon - full of watter…. and being a true Tyke, not paying for stuff I get out the tap anyway

And I was actually struggling to think of these - eclectic range of food tastes but donuts!!! WTF!!!
Some of the contents of a traditional haggis are pretty grim: lamb's lungs, ox bung, and so on. but stick them all together in a haggis and try and hold me back!
I agree with froggi on the Richmond sausage thing!
Wouldn't eat fastfood from a takeaway like MacDo, KFC, Burger King, but fish and chips would go down OK.
Wouldn't knowlingly eat any meat that has been ritually slaughtered.
Try to avoid meat that has been intensively reared even though I couldn't afford to do that when I had a family to feed, but certainly not battery farm eggs.

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