5 foods you will never eat again.

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Durian is indeed horrible, it smells like a mixture of manure, an old wheely bin and propane.

I've tried it once, never again, but have seen it for sale at a few places and it's always busy. At one place we saw them taking the edible bit out and vacuum packing it so people can take it away LOL
Anything that smells that bad shouldn't be considered food.
I bought my brother some Garlic Beer a while ago but I never tried it myself. Anyone tried that one? Any good?
Tried one in the caff at the Garlic Farm on the Isle of Wight. Love garlic, love beer, the combination is just ... no.

Are you and your brother still on speaking terms?

Personally I quite like some of the vegetarian stuff out there....

We've been veggie (well, pescie i.e. fish is allowed) most of our adult lives. No interest whatever in these 'bleeding' burger fake meat concoctions made in a lab somewhere. I quite liked the old bog standard Sainsburys veggie burgers in a bun with trimmings but you can't get them nowadays, it's all gone hipster! Bonkers.

Tofu's fine if you marinate slices of it in something teriyaki-ish and griddle it, or toss cubes in cornflour & sesame seeds and fry till crisp.
I'll eat just about anything, or at least try it once. It's just that some fermented foods seem less appealing. Like the Surströmming An Ankoù mentioned and Icelands local delicacy of fermented shark. I've smelled both and that was close enough for me. Also "Rocky Mountain Oysters" seen a little less than apetizing to me.

And then to think that I've eaten several different fried bugs without a real problem.
It must have already been mentioned but Durian fruit is up there with one of the most horrific things that I have ever put into my mouth (the smell almost outweighs the taste) whilst in Vietnam.

After travelling around Vietnam for a couple of weeks we ended up in Ho Chi Minh for the last few days and decided to book a fairly fancy (in comparison) hotel for the end of the trip. I had bought a bag of crisps and put them in my bag. As we entered the foyer to go back to our room to change for the evening, I just so happened to open the bag of crisps to eat but wasn't really paying attention as we were talking about what bars to visit later and as I walked past the hotel security they stopped me. Essentially the hotel banned any type of durian fruit being taken back to the room (common in countries in this area) and I had accidentally picked up durian flavour crisps. The guard told me I had two choices, eat them outside or bin them...now I hate wasting food but I have never thrown something away faster in my whole life. One whiff of that bag and not a chance I was touching them. What they were doing picking that awful smell into a bag is beyond me.
I accidentally ate one on a Caesar’s Salad once, I am sure I can still taste it 25 years on...
The tinned ones are strong, I can understand that they're not to everyone's taste. The ones I'm thinking of are very fishy but really delicious!

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