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Can we shoot vegans, for eating plants that sequester carbon?
Bigger issue than just an offended sense of smell?
Just logged in after starting brewing again and I read this pathetic thread. The letter is obviously fake and designed to wind people up but why let a lie get in the way of prejudice and ignorance?

Good luck attracting new members and keeping the ones you have but if I want this crass stupidity I'll join Bookface. Keep safe, keep brewing and stay away from that carcinogenic animal flesh.

Peace and love 🙏🌱🐖
C'mon @Noah. If you want some real offensive action, read the electric car thread. That could get right up your drive train. 🤣

As for joining Facebook, 'cos this place had offended you... Really?

Is FB not the birthplace of "obviously fake and designed to wind people up" to spread "prejudice and ignorance?"
Let us know how you get on. 😁

But in the meantime, pull up a stool here and have a brew 👍👍
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Just logged in after starting brewing again and I read this pathetic thread. The letter is obviously fake and designed to wind people up but why let a lie get in the way of prejudice and ignorance?
Have you any evidence the letter is fake if not i suggest you find some before posting more outbursts like the one above in this thread.

Good luck attracting new members and keeping the ones you have but if I want this crass stupidity
The thread was posted four months ago and we haven't had a single complaint from a member, if you honestly believe any new brewer seeking knowledge would be put off joining a home brewing forum because of a single thread in the non home brewing section i suggest you look a little closer to home for the above mentioned stupidity!
prejudice and ignorance
crass stupidity
carcinogenic animal flesh

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Well that's one person off the invite list to my next BBQ!

If that letter's real then whoever 'Sarah, Wayne & Kids' are could do with some serious help as they obviously have some issues they need to deal with, my sympathies are firmly with 'Kylie' as they have to endure this neighbour on a daily basis.

Surely from a legal perspective this has no basis, but I'd be interested as to what would go the other way. Would such demands be harassment or controlling behaviour? I suppose if you suddenly BBQ'd every day - rain or shine - just to retaliate it could be called harassment but surely you'd get laughed out of court if you tried stopping your neighbour making spag bol with the extractor fan on!

Of course in the echo-chambers of vileness that are Facebook & Twitter there will be plenty of support for whatever argument you want to make.
It's like those people who have their tongue pierced....they have to talk with it hanging out to dry just incase you don't notice.

I had my ears pierced back in the day as we all did back then but when i see this i just ask myself why would anyone do that.


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