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  1. dracunculus

    Old wine kit - should I change the yeast?

    For various reasons I've ended up with a Wineworks wine kit that I bought around 9 months ago and I haven't had a chance to ferment until now. It's been in a reasonably cool place since I bought it and as the bag is sealed I'm assuming (or hoping!) the grape juice will be OK. I was wondering of...
  2. dracunculus


    Horse riding - dressage if I'm competing but I don't do much of that any more so mainly its just long hacks out on my old mare. Veg gardening - took this up a few years ago as a move towards downsizing and got hooked. Fortunately hobby #1 means there's always plenty of fertilizer around to...
  3. dracunculus

    So whos "working" today?

    Well I'm in the office but "working" is stretching it a bit; more "wiggling the mouse around so the screen-saver doesn't activate"
  4. dracunculus

    What do you have for breakfast on Christmas Day?

    Kedgeree is a tradition in our house. No idea why but curried haddock and bucks fizz don't half go well together.
  5. dracunculus

    paklab kits

    Seconded on the Chilean Merlot. 8 months old and it is easily the equivalent of a 7 or 8 quid bottle from the shops. It does need a bit of time to mature though as I tried some after 3 months and it was not at all nice.
  6. dracunculus

    Fermenting Long?

    Thanks gys. I've mainlty been making the Beaverdale end of the market but I'll give one of the cheapies a go fermented short and enough surgar to get the desired alcohol. I'll report back :)
  7. dracunculus

    Fermenting Long?

    I know that some people ferment wines "short", i.e. with less water than you'd normally use; however I was wondering if you could ferment "long"? What I was after was a dry red wine with plenty of body but around a 6% to 8% alcohol as I'm trying to cut back a bit on the booze :) Any ideas?
  8. dracunculus

    Bread baking

    Panasonic SD-2501. Currently £104 on Amazon. Not cheap but ours paid for itself in under 6 months and we probably do 2 or so loaves a week plus a pizza dough and maybe a few rolls.
  9. dracunculus

    Bread baking

    The other great thing about those Panasonic breadmakers is that you can load them up with fruit and sugar, sprinkle some pectin on top and in 2 hours it's made jam. So bread and jam from the same machine!
  10. dracunculus

    Yeasty smell??

    How long are you leaving the WOW to mature before drinking. I've noticed a slight yeasty smell to very young wines, kit made ones as well as WOW, but after 8 to 12 weeks that dissapears. I've also found running WOW through a filter works well too. I just had a bottle of my first made WOW at...
  11. dracunculus


    I'm in The Fens north of Cambridge and we're getting a huge crop of elderberries this year. With the warm sun they're just starting to turn and will probably be ready to harvest in early / mid september. The first blackberries will be ready by the weekend too - torn between making jam and wine...
  12. dracunculus

    Stuck clearing - filter or start again?

    ^^^ Thanks, although finding somewhere cool at the moment is proving tricky I'll give that a go.
  13. dracunculus

    Stuck clearing - filter or start again?

    I've got a white wine (Beaverdale White Burgundy) which has stopped clearing half way through. The top half of the fermentation vessel is perfectly clear but suspended sediment is visible in the bottom half. It's not a huge amount dut definitely niticeable. I suspect what happened was that I...
  14. dracunculus

    Campden tabs

    Crushing between two tablespoons works well too (a trick my vet showed to me!)
  15. dracunculus

    Best Live Band You Have Seen

    Big Country - always a superb live outfit.
  16. dracunculus

    Job Interview Tomorrow.. Bricking it...

    Let's hope nobody tells the government here about this!
  17. dracunculus

    Any other students?

    Doing Mathematics and Statistics with the Open University (presently doing M248). Did an Earth Sciences BSc back in the 80's
  18. dracunculus

    Supermarket Merlot grape juice

    Well here it is all cleared, fined and filtered. It's a pleasant looking light red and for comparison the wine on the left is a red grape WOW. Here's some in my sample syringe... nurse! 10mm Merlot for this patient, stat! :grin: Taste is very young and light, didn't really have much of a...
  19. dracunculus

    PE (Physical Education) In Schools

    I was at achool in the late 70's and absolutely lothed PE. I was alway a lanky kid and had lousy ball skills but back then you just got shoved in a team (or worse, lined up against a wall and the team captains picked you one by one, I was always in the last 2 or 3) and expected to get on with...
  20. dracunculus

    Prison brew

    ^^^ That'll be Hong Kong then :rofl: