Whats everyone drinking?

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After a hectic day in Grimsby! i'm refreshing my self with a Hobgoblin.

davesiv said:

:thumb: Good one fella! My grains and hops arrived today so not long for my first AG (hopefully will be this weekend, if im not Shaddowing a D of E group exped in wales)


Guess what I'm brewing next A T :grin:
Bombardier, the 5.2% stuff in bottles (still waiting for my Wherry to condition). :( At least it is buy 2 get 1 free at my local shop! :)
Crabbie's Alcoholic Ginger Beer (parents bought it) its now't special! prob move on to a Dangaarden from the Forum Glass of course!
dandan, get that first mash done tomorrow, then get another couple done in quick succession so things get chance to mature.

I've just had a Mole AG#1 (darkish ale) closely followed by an AG#2 (session Bitter).
They really are improving now.

And then I thought it might be interesting to try a Young's Definitive Bitter.
OMG! Big Mistake!!!
First thought: Yes, that's fairly bitter....
Second thought: Not much body though....
Then my tongue stuck out, my cheeks tried to distance themselves from my gums and my tastebuds recoiled in horror as I got chemicals and tin cans all rolled into one.

Sorry dandan, once you cross over there's no way back.

Edit: It's ok, my tongue's friends with me again, I've cleansed my palate with a Bruichladdich 'Rocks'.
Oh dear, well I´ve had a litre of l*g*r by the pool, then a couple of glasses of vino tinto (Don Simon, 95c a litre) with a Mediterranean salad on an Atlantic balcony, then a rather large Anis Seco with Limon.

Life can be a bummer at times :lol:

Too hot now, siesta time, then start again later :party:
Bulmers original because they are on speacial £1 a bottle and I like the bottles
Falafael's shot at Llannige's atomic lemon, Falafael's Fruity Bitter, and Fala's Blackcurrant Infusions (Tea) Wine. I was lucky enought to buy a few DJs from Fala today, and I took him 2 bottles of beer too. I came away with the 6 DJs I paid for, plus another one, a 75cl bottle of the Blackcurrant Infusions Wine, bottles of: Atomic Lemon, Fruity Bitter, Victorian Bitter, another Geordie Bitter and a Lager (I forget which). Top deal if you ask me - cheers Fala! :cheers:
A Belgian Saison wet hopped at www.hallertau.co.nz - delicious!!!

Followed by an American Amber and a Scotch Ale, yummo!! :drink:

And tonight - going to the West Coast IPA challenge in Auckland, two breweries head to head with a specially brewed Double IPA!!! I cant wait! :cool:
They've got Marstons Old Empire IPA on draught at my local, so had a couple of them (which is enough at 5.7%)! Only ever had i in bottles before.
ash said:
They've got Marstons Old Empire IPA on draught at my local, so had a couple of them (which is enough at 5.7%)! Only ever had i in bottles before.

I like that in the bottle and never had it on draught, how was it?
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