Infected brew

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Jul 6, 2024
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I have got an infection in at least one brew I only noticed recently and I think I may have it in a few , it is like stringy gelatin in the bottles and it's more pronounced if you pour from bottle to bottle . I brew in plastic buckets ,bottling wand and some of the beer is in plastic bottles . I realise I can't do much about the beer but is my equipment fixable I regularly use vwp and have been using chem san as a sanitiser . Any recommendations would be appreciated thanks in advance
I have got an infection in at least one brew I only noticed recently and I think I may have it in a few , it is like stringy gelatin in the bottles and it's more pronounced if you pour from bottle to bottle . I brew in plastic buckets ,bottling wand and some of the beer is in plastic bottles . I realise I can't do much about the beer but is my equipment fixable I regularly use vwp and have been using chem san as a sanitiser . Any recommendations would be appreciated thanks in advance
Replace the plastic buckets and bottling wand. Clean everything else with bleach.
Steam is good.

Strip everything down to components. Seals gaskets leave nothing undone.

Bleach dose is 5ml to the litre. Soak. Rinse 3 times with fresh water.

Thin bleach is best if you can get it.
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I have got an infection in at least one brew I only noticed recently and I think I may have it in a few , it is like stringy gelatin in the bottles and it's more pronounced if you pour from bottle to bottle . I brew in plastic buckets ,bottling wand and some of the beer is in plastic bottles . I realise I can't do much about the beer but is my equipment fixable I regularly use vwp and have been using chem san as a sanitiser . Any recommendations would be appreciated thanks in advance
Pediococcus infection. Not dangerous in fact its a welcome gut bacterium. Part of the lactobacillus group. Strip everything down and wash with thin bleach solution (it's the cheapest one in the supermarket) non-franganced. Or any chlorine based cleaner for the brewery. VWP is good. No need to start throwing things away- it's not anthrax! If you do, then you might as well throw everything away and start from scratch. You need to ensure that everything is touched by the bleach. Taps are a pain. You can boil them. Lactobacillus is pretty much destroyed at 70C. Don't forget to treat your bottles and caps in the same way.

You can get rid of any chlorine residue by rinsing in metabisulphite solution.
Thanks for your replies , I was hoping to not have to throw everything out I've been making wine from kits for 20 years with out any major issues , I only started making beer last summer and it's not been plain sailing lol . Do you think the bottling wands need throwing or will a strip down and soak fix them too , thanks for your help everyone .
Yes you can strip and clean.
I think they need throwing, but for a different reason....they are terrible things and anything is better to do the job. 😁😁😁

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