Really appreciated Davegase. I hadn't seen the instructions on the yeast when I posted that. I've now seen that it recommends 8 to 14. I've just set the wort in the fermzilla, and currently 15.3 degrees so waiting for it to drop a little before adding the yeast.The mangrove jacks M76 yeast is recommended to ferment at 8 to 14°C.
You say your aiming to ferment under pressure in the Fermzilla at about 12 PSI. That will mean by the end of fermentation you will have carbonated beer so you won't be adding sugar to the bottle beer, and you will need some type of counter pressure bottling device and yes you will need CO2 gas to provide the counter pressure.
The use of a hop bong also requires CO2. I've been using pressure fermentation for a long time and I've never needed a hop bong, so unless you're going to attempt heavily dry hopped beers I wouldn't bother.
At 10°C and 12 PSI carbonation will be a little low for a lager. If you increase the pressure towards the end of fermentation that will increase carbonation. The amount of carbonation is dependent on a combination of temperature and pressure.
You won't need a bottleing bucket as you will be bottling direct from the Fermzilla.
Here is a link for a carbonation calculator.
I've set my rapt at 12.5 as although everything I've seen says you can go higher under pressure I though for this 1st attempt id keep it on the higher end of the recommended levels.
Need to figure out how to set the spunding valve, I guess I need to wait for a bit of pressure to build the adjust until I get it to 14 is so.
Fingers crossed all goes OK. But nothing ventured nothing gained.