Muntons Craft your Own Liquid Malt Extract

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Jul 29, 2024
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Oxfordshire, UK
The Muntons craft your own range has been mentioned on here before but not ant any great length other than they exist.
They look like they provide an easy way for Kit/Extract brewers to design recipies outside of the standard box kits and develope something of their own design.
There is also the recipie designer which helps put basic recipies together suggesting ingredients to make certain beer types.

Malt Millers have also done a review, coming up with 2 different recipies of their own which seemed to work well and they claimed to be pleased with the results. (I have no affiliation to them although do purchase from them.)

Now, I am not sure I am ever going to have the time to go AG any time soon but this looks like I will be able experiment coming up with bespoke beers of my own design.

So I was thinking if anyone has used these to make their own recipies or even AG brewers could suggest recipies based on their experience.

I have recently wanted to see if I could recreate Verdant Lightbulb IPA and so I came up with this, taking direction from the AG recipies discussed on this forum.

Muntons Craft Your Own - Maris Otter Light Extract - 1.5kg
Muntons Craft Your Own - Vienna Extract - .75kg (Half tin)
Muntons Craft Your Own - Oat Extract - .75kg (Half tin)

Hallertauer Magnum - BarthHaas® Pure Hop Pellet 6gms
Simcoe T90 Pellets 100 gms
Centennial - BarthHaas® Pure Hop Pellets 60gms


I havent yet brewed this. Have all the incredients sat on my shelf currently but I want to try to recreate some of the Mash hopping stuff. So my planned method is:

Bring 2ltrs of water to a boil, add half a tin of one of the LMEs add the Magnum hops and boil for 20 mins.
Turn of the heat and add 20gms each of Simcoe and Centenial. Allow to cool for 45 mins
Strain the wort into the FV.
Add the remaining LME ingredients and water up to 20ish Ltrs. Aiming for an SG of 1.045-1.050. ABV 4.5-5%
Add Harris Clear brew.
Pitch Yeast at 22-23C.
Brew in the brewfridge at around 20-21C.
Add the remaining hops after 4-5 days to dry hop.
The brew will be bottled so will add 1/2 tspn sugar to 500ml bottle.

Fingers crossed this turns out something that resembles Lightbulb. Even if it doesn't hopefully it will taste great. Where I have only used half a tim of LME i plan to freeze the rest to use in a recipie later.
Intersted in thoughts on this and any other suggestions people may have.
I now have this in the FV.
I boiled the 2 half tins with the hops for 20 mins.
I only waited 30mins for the hop stand.
When it was all mixed and topped up it smelt good so really looking forward to see how this turns out.
Thanks for this. I like what muntons have done here. It's not quite a recipe designer more a shopping cart designer. But all the same a good idea.

If you use search many people pimp & mix kits. Tucan (two cans) is a useful word.

Not having time for AG. Eh? 😁 all been there. I haven't either.
If I said I spend not more than 1 hour a day on 4 separate days, would that fit?
Put another way... Don't be put off by stories of 7 hour brewdays.
I like the idea as well but I wonder why they don’t move all hopping to extracts as well and combine bittering and flavouring additions to style. Then a boil could be avoided entirely.
Been having a play. Seems alright but recipes suggest Muntons gold yeast, which they no longer make.

They also bulk up ingredients with white sugar to achieve gravities where necessary. For example relatively low gravity beer that needs one but not two cans of extract involves adding 1kg of white sugar. Not ideal. Bit of sugar is ok in the right context, but not this amount and not in this context. Better off using dried malt extract in such circumstances where you need an awkward amount, but they ignore this option as it is presumably seen as too complicated. Also, only some extracts have a hopped version.

But it is cool to see a wider variety of extracts though, including Munich and Vienna malts.

But to be honest, I think tweaking kits makes more sense.
I do tweaked Simply kits in winter when it is to cold to brew outside, 1.8kg simply bitter kit 1kg of DME light or medium 250g of dem sugar gives just over 3kg of fermentables, brew to 20L, it is pretty good you could even dry hop if you like
Bottled this last night and initial tasting from the FV is very promising. Plus it smells fantastic.
I cold crashed for 2 days at 3deg C but was still very murky when transfering. Guessing this will maintain a hazy look.
SG was 1.048 and FG was 1.014 so coming out at 4.4% ABV.
If you are boiling malt extract with the hops you're really not far away from doing a stovetop part grain mini mash, then bulking up the final wort with lme/dme.

Advantage to this method is you can use saucepans & kettles.
Heat up times are very fast.
Water vapour/steam is no worse than boiling spuds so your cooker extractor fan or just an open kitchen window will easily cope & washing up is done in the sink
If you are boiling malt extract with the hops you're really not far away from doing a stovetop part grain mini mash, then bulking up the final wort with lme/dme.

Advantage to this method is you can use saucepans & kettles.
Heat up times are very fast.
Water vapour/steam is no worse than boiling spuds so your cooker extractor fan or just an open kitchen window will easily cope & washing up is done in the sink
Yes, you’re right and I have that in mind for the future. Think I am just getting the feel of going down that root and trying to go beyond the basic kits.
2 weeks carbonation period finished and moved into the cool garage.
I couldn’t resist popping one in the fridge and trying it when cooled.
Have to say it is quite nice. Has a wonderful aroma. Good head and nice mouth feel.
What I would say is I don’t think the hops are coming through as much as I would have hoped. It doesn’t have much bitterness and I thought it would have been hoppier. Although I don’t think the real thing is overly hoppy.
Will give it another couple of weeks to condition and see how it develops. Don’t think it will need long as it is very good now.
Glad you like it. The different malt extracts and yeast seem to have worked well.

Not surprised about the low bitterness. 8 gms of hops boiled for 20 mins is not going to result in a very bitter beer, even if you have relatively high AA hops.
So this has had another month to condition now and I have to say I am very impressed with the outcome.
Not sure what I tasted when I tried the first bottle a month ago but there is plenty of hop coming through and a nice bitterness that mellows to a lingering slightly sweet note.
Does it tastes anything like the real thing. Don't know, I will need to go down my local which I haven't visited for a couple of months.
Either way, I will definately be making this again. Best thing I have brewed so far. The only thing I might do next time is add an Extra 500gms of light DME to up the abv slightly.
I have just done a simply brown ale with of amber lme and 1.5kg of muntons dark lme, got to keg it yet but it tastes good
Blimey. What's the alcohol content of that?

I made that kit with 500 gms of medium DME and about 400 gms of soft dark brown sugar, plus safale 04 and it was decent, although obviously a much lower gravity drink than yours
Blimey. What's the alcohol content of that?

I made that kit with 500 gms of medium DME and about 400 gms of soft dark brown sugar, plus safale 04 and it was decent, although obviously a much lower gravity drink than yours
i have no idea, i used boire yeast but forgot to take a reading, i brewed it to 20L and it has stopped at 1017 so either put more yeast in or keg it, it does taste very nice ideas on a post card would be nice