Muntons Craft your Own Liquid Malt Extract

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So this has had another month to condition now and I have to say I am very impressed with the outcome.
Not sure what I tasted when I tried the first bottle a month ago but there is plenty of hop coming through and a nice bitterness that mellows to a lingering slightly sweet note.
Does it tastes anything like the real thing. Don't know, I will need to go down my local which I haven't visited for a couple of months.
Either way, I will definately be making this again. Best thing I have brewed so far. The only thing I might do next time is add an Extra 500gms of light DME to up the abv slightly.

Late to this thread.

Have a look at the episode (might be two) on the Malt Miller UTube channel where they interview the owner of Verdant brewing. He's talks very highly of using LME and sticking hops in.

As others have said boiling the hops for twenty minutes is a bit short, but it depends on how much hops you put in. Bittering hops are normally boiled for 30 minutes plus.

There's a post Here about using a pressure cooker to speed the boil/bitter extraction if you have one and fancy giving it a go. It took me a while to get my head around the numbers in the hops v. time table (not helped by having to translate between USA gallons and the litres I'm used to, and that a very key piece of info is almost hidden under the table). Never tried it myself but I have a new pressure cooker now so might try it.

Again as others have said, you are a very short step away from steeping the grains or a mini mash. Any malt where the name starts with a 'C' (plus many others) can be steeped in hot water and the liquid added to your beer for additional flavour and/or colour.
Ok, I reckon your starting gravity would be about 1.072 based on 4.3 kg malt extract.. An FG of 1.017 would give an attenuation of 76%. ABV of 7.2%. Probably best to not operate any heavy machinery after drinking a few :-)