Whats everyone drinking?

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Started with a Hoegaarden, currently sipping a Duvel :drink:
Had some Youngs Special London last night and it's a changed brew :(
They've obviously changed the hops and it's not a patch on it's former glory.
This used to be my fav bottled beer....no more. Quality issues, now a changed taste...ruined it for me :(
Just got some beer in for the Man U Chelsea math and came across this in Tesco's on offer at 99p

Nice one, that looks like the same deal that Smod got :thumb:

Pre Sunday roast for me has been, 2 bottles Harvest Gold, 2 Pints of Owd Conkers, we've got a big chicken and I'm a leg AND a breast man :party: :lol:
Just popped into my local and found Deuchars IPA on the handpull... Stonkingly good order.... Remarkably like bluebird... This is the first time I have felt confident in guessing the hops in a commercial brew... I think its Challenger.... It must be its so similar to the Bluebird I did as AG#1

On the downside had to leave after two pints.... :(
Tonight its some Battle of hastings TC. Made it waaaaay last month and wasnt struck. Its had a few weeks in the chiller and the pineapple bits have dropped out.. THe honey has come right up front leaving a nioce dry apple at the backend.
Its not on my favourites list but for a palatable yet rapid transition from sobriety to a state of relieved stress it does the job just nicley at somewhere between 8 and 9 %. A pint a day keeps reality away... Hurrah :drink:
Bottled Harvest Gold, I think i'm gonna brew this again next rather than the Hobgoblin Clone, it's damn fine, for me, Cascade and Bobek combo works :drink:
Effin Premium Bitter - My Forum Brew . . . this is the remainder of the 20L that didn't get into the Corny for Dry hopping . . . Nice beer . . . can't wait to see what Dry Hopping will do for it . . . And I'm going to bottle and condition from the keg with the dry hops in . . .Yummy
I've been drinking LOWbrew tonight. It's like john smith's from a can. So it's fairly yuk.

Incidently, i found my batch of super turbo cider i brewed in feb-i kinda hid it as it used to assault me and leave me bruised and beaten by the morning. It's bloody great now, well it is if you like being blind-but without the bruising. :lol:
Presently drinking Tesco's Finest IPA....

I've banged on about how good this pint is for quite a while, but if you're thinking of trying it....don't buy it just yet :? ;)
I just held a glass up to swimbos nose, and asked her to forget it was beer, and tell me what she smelt.....'sprouts' she retorted :shock: ....confirming my worries :hmm:
Vossy1 said:
Presently drinking Tesco's Finest IPA....

Must admit that I nearly bought a bottle of this in Tescos earlier in the week, Then I saw the hop list . . . What the F*ck is Cascade doing in a IPA FFS?

It may be a great beer but it isn't an IPA, APA? yes, IPA? no way

:nono: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Last night I chaired a department meeting which involved a meal and then a night on the town, my idea was to get to a nice boozer with a few real ales on.........no way...i got dragged into a 'pub' with a DJ and a load of dancing lunatic 18/19 year olds, a quick scan of the bar revealed a problem, stella, stella, stella or strongbow so JD & coke was the order of the day...until one of my young members of staff thrust a green drink in my hand "try this it's amazing"......the drink was known as "kryptonite" feck knows what was in it :shock:

never ever again... next time I choose the boozer!

Tonight i'm getting back to normal with a pint of my forum brew, Kingpin :drink:

:hmm: I'm getting old aren't I :oops:
Must admit that I nearly bought a bottle of this in Tescos earlier in the week, Then I saw the hop list . . . What the F*ck is Cascade doing in a IPA FFS?
It may be a great beer but it isn't an IPA, APA? yes, IPA? no way

Personally, Give me a beer in a glass and I'll tell you if I like it. I'll tell you why I like it, but if that doesn't fall into the style on the label then I really don't GAS.

It's not a true (historical) IPA but if you'd have tasted the beer I had a month ago, I think you'd have agreed with me that it was a fine pint (even though described as a IPA),one of the best I've tasted in a long while.
You could do far worse than buying a bottle to try it ;)
Wez said:
i got dragged into a 'pub' with a DJ and a load of dancing lunatic 18/19 year olds, :shock:

never ever again... next time I choose the boozer!

I don't know :hmm: i kinda like 18 - 19 year old girls :lol: :lol:
Bakalar Czech beer then moving onto Marstons Old Empire.
Nice to see someone else has tried the PUNK IPA.

What did you think?
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