So...the missing Black IPA...
Poured an opaque black with a fluffy tan coloured head. The retention was excellent and lasted all the way to the finish.
The aroma was dominated by dark fruits with some toffee and caramel and a bready malt backbone, this was replicated in the flavour which also brought some low level notes off coffee to the profile, which was still dominated by dark (damson, blackcurrant) fruit flavours.
bitterness levels were moderate, maybe could have been a touch higher to help offset the fruit profile. In the background some earthy hop notes were also perceived.
Body was medium with moderate levels of carbonation, no alcohol warmth was present.
Overall another enjoyable beer and my perception of dark fruits, rather than the more usual citrus and stone fruit aromas, might have been off...but it made an interesting variant to the style....just needed a touch more bitterness in my opinion to provide balance. Thank you brewer.
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