That looks like a decent pint. I've got the same book in the man cave, might give it a go too..!Arkells's Mash Tun Mild, Third AG attempt, brewed in early may and bottled on 27th May. The recipe is straight out of Graham Wheeler's Brew your own British real ale book. A nice easy drinking and very flavorful brew at 3.5% I have plenty, so sesh-on!
View attachment 14552
Tonight it's NUNS DELIGHT probably the best Shepherd Neame brew available. Picked up some short dated bottles in France last week (0.66p / bottle), so thought I'd 'take one for the team'... It's tough, but I'm managing....
...come on could do a good clone for less than that!
That sounds about right Slid. The bottle conditioned Sheps is their 1698. I cultured up the yeast from a bottle of it a while ago using Myqul's recipe. It worked really well and the ferment went brilliantly. But what a beast it is..! It went bananas. I used a Wherry kit and just swopped the yeast but it tasted like all Sheps brews, with that certain background twang you always get with all their bitters - the one that tells you...yep.....that's a Sheps brew...Yes, I agree, the clues are easy on the Brewery website. It will be something like 90% Pale malt and 10% Crystal - probably fairly dark Crystal or some a bit light, some very dark?
Hops will be - let's think now, oh! East Kent Goldings. Fairly bitter it is, so maybe to something like 40 IBU's? Probably a little light on finishing hops by contemporary HB standards.
5% for the draught and 5.4% for the bottled beer, so it says.
Brewing software facilitates the recipe. The final product is quite yeast driven with this style (as usual). Is there a bottle conditioned Shepherds Neame beer? I have a vague recollection that there may have been one within living memory?
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From beerwulf they are a out £1.19 a bottleA beautiful Lindemans Cassis lambic. So nice and only 3.5% but £4 at my local bottleshop.View attachment 14570
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From beerwulf they are a out £1.19 a bottle