Boddington's: I've followed someone down the "original Boddington's recipe" rabbit hole. (you?)I had tried Worthington E from a bottle years ago when the yeast could be harvested from the bottle. It was a nice drink then. Last time I was in the UK I bought one knowing it was going to disappoint and it did it was served from a keg through a frozen flooded font!
The recipe for Manchester Bitter which supposedly is a clone of the early Boddingtons is in the current BYO provided by the brewer of Marble Beers brewery. Described in the article as 'a love letter to Boddingtons Bitter' I think the hops will make it a bit different from a real Boddingtons but.
The only conclusion I could see from the recipes shown there, throughout the years, was constant change, especially of hops used.
I think it came down to as few and as cheaply as was available at the time.
In essence I think it was bittering that was required, that and being fermented to dryness to enhance it.
Which is exactly what it uniquely was,
it certainly cleaned the pipes!