What are you drinking tonight 2023.

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Just finished a porter hopped with Chinook kindly sent by @pilgrimhudd .
Nice thick fluffy head on this one.
Aroma had toffee, little fruitiness and chocolate. Tasted of dark fruit, dark chocolate and a little roast, maybe a little citrus pice for hops. Had a medium body and carbonation, smooth with no astringency. Very tasty porter. Thanks for sharing 🍺👍🏼
I was lucky to try @Hazelwood Brewery bourbon barrel aged imp stout, so when he said he would send me his normal imp stout I wad interested to see how they would compare.

I was a massive fan of the barrel aged stout and this is equally as good. Poured with a whisper of a head. Its super smooth, low carb which I prefer. No to low alcohol detected. Chocolate and coffee both on aroma and flavour. Enjoying this as it warms in my hand whilst eating my favourite chocolate, Lindt Lindor.

Thanks for sharing. Would be interested in seeing the recipe and knowing how old this one is.
Thanks for your nice feedback Leon. It was brewed on October 18 and kegged November 15. If you count it’s age from then it’s 8 weeks old. The recipe is in my recipe album, link here…

Early beer as I'm brewing today. Please excuse the malty mess! This is part of my split batch first version of Rye IPA that 'went wrong'. This is a glass from the kegged part of it. I bottled half of it too. It's actually not bad for only being brewed 2 weeks ago. Very fruity though.

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