What are you drinking tonight 2020.

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I wanted to have a go at using Kölsch yeast, so threw together a blend of Munich, Vienna, pilsner and wheat malt. Lovely malt flavour and very refreshing but I suspect this is a little complex for what a 'normal' Kölsch would be, shame the yeast went crazy and this ended up at 7.5% ashock1
I’m afraid not. I had a Klastein beer tap at the time that took these 5l mini kegs so bought it for that. It tasted very bland but that may have been partly because we put this keg on after the Ghostship had run dry!
That's a shame, I suspect on cask it'd probably be quite pleasant.
I keep hearing about this summer breeze, exactly what is it pray tell?

It’s my signature ale, I drink it a lot. @Pennine tried it and liked it - even entered it in the competition you won!

It’s a pale ale made with Vienna malt and a little oats and wheat. Magnum for bittering and flavour from Citra and Galaxy.
It’s my signature ale, I drink it a lot. @Pennine tried it and liked it - even entered it in the competition you won!

It’s a pale ale made with Vienna malt and a little oats and wheat. Magnum for bittering and flavour from Citra and Galaxy.
Vienna, Citra, and galaxy? I'm sold, sounds amazing.
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