No worries. I gave my father in law some bottles of the last Saison I made (my 1st AG), and warned him to chill them first as they were primed to about 2.8-3 volumes. He forgot and one kinda
gave him a shower.

Chill them down though and the CO2 goes into solution, giving you a nice lively
tang on the tongue but without any gushing. Or they have for me anyway. lol
I read a lot of stuff that says wheat beer is best drunk fresh. The Greg Hughes book says to condition for 2 weeks and labels it as a Quickbrew. So could be if kept too long it stops been so nice. Kinda glad I made mine to about 4.4% ABV so it's nice and sessionable. lol Was my 3rd proper BIAB, 4th AG if you count the small volume stove top I did (that I got ribbed thoroughly on here about, as I managed to turn 13 litres into 4.5 litres with just a 90 minute boil... Came out at about 8% ABV though.... lol). So I am definitely still a newbie.
The fence is probably defense (oops, pun not intended...) against gushers... lol