The Kristallweizen compacted down beautifully for me, heck even the trub in the FV went from a good 3 inches deep to about 1cm (meaning I was able to get 41 bottles from it!!!), and 2 weeks in the bottle and it's pouring really nicely. Cloudy obviously, it's wheat beer, but the sediment on the bottom is staying put. Finally developed some estery flavour too since bottling, delicious.
As to banana smells with the real ale, nope. I made the mistake of using it on those 30 degrees C days last summer though, and it stank of black treacle/liquorice, the beer tasted of it for months too before it faded. It really doesn't like been warm. :lol: As to sticking to the bottom of the bottle, my summer ale hasn't been in the bottle that long yet, so hard to say (I refuse to judge it by the behaviour of my kit brews... lol). Right now it's still hitching lifts on CO2 bubbles when you open one.... :whistle: Good job I only lightly primed it (aimed for about 1.8 volumes...). It's not ready to drink anyway, needs a few more weeks yet. I fermented in the open though with a blow off tube (I know from experience that the stuff is insane!), so aroma could easily have just escaped.