January Brew Review Thread - Rye IPA

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In need of constant supervision
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Dec 28, 2018
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Ballinderry Upper
No problems with the postal service this time round, and I think most of the beers have landed.
Post your reviews here and round up with your recipe, some thoughts on the style, whether you’ll brew again and what you’d do differently based on the other brewers beers.

Happy drinking :beer1:
It's my birthday weekend, so decided to treat myself to the first Rye IPA I received the other day. This was called "Rye oh Rye oh Rye". Thanks @pilgrimhudd.

This opened with a gentle hiss and poured nicely, forming a perfect head for my liking. No obvious aroma apart from the "spicy" aroma I think the rye provides (maybe tropicalish maybe a better word?). I'm not sure if this was dry hopped - I would guess not but I'm probably wrong. The taste is clean with a lovely rye hit. I can't pick up anything from the hop(s), so I'm guessing this has a low level of bitterness. I find this quite a dry beer, it hits my mouth a few seconds after swallowing. This is not a complaint, in fact it's quite nice. Makes me want another drink!

This is a great pint, and at around 5% a great one to have a couple of. Like mine it's slightly cloudy, but I understand that's fine for the style👍 thanks for sharing and if I bought this in a pub I'd be a very happy drinker. 🍻🍻


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I'll move this in here from the other thread....

OK so I'll kick things off with @SMP Brewery , opened with a little hiss, poured nicely with a thin head that lasts the glass. Dark copper coloured, quite murky. Initially not much aroma but as it warms there's a definite candy aroma. I think this may have oxidised a little on transit because whilst there's little aroma and it's murky the flavour is good, again lots of candy sweetness and bitterness spot on for me. Some spiciness from the rye as well. Overall, very nice thank you!
It's my birthday weekend, so decided to treat myself to the first Rye IPA I received the other day. This was called "Rye oh Rye oh Rye". Thanks @pilgrimhudd.

This opened with a gentle hiss and poured nicely, forming a perfect head for my liking. No obvious aroma apart from the "spicy" aroma I think the rye provides (maybe tropicalish maybe a better word?). I'm not sure if this was dry hopped - I would guess not but I'm probably wrong. The taste is clean with a lovely rye hit. I can't pick up anything from the hop(s), so I'm guessing this has a low level of bitterness. I find this quite a dry beer, it hits my mouth a few seconds after swallowing. This is not a complaint, in fact it's quite nice. Makes me want another drink!

This is a great pint, and at around 5% a great one to have a couple of. Like mine it's slightly cloudy, but I understand that's fine for the style👍 thanks for sharing and if I bought this in a pub I'd be a very happy drinker. 🍻🍻

Thank you! Glad you liked it, I did dry hop, funnily enough I took it to the homebrew meet on Thursday and thought it was quite aromatic but you're right, low bitterness for an ipa. 👍
Thank you! Glad you liked it, I did dry hop, funnily enough I took it to the homebrew meet on Thursday and thought it was quite aromatic but you're right, low bitterness for an ipa. 👍
The aroma may have been mixed with the smell of the rye....or at least for my untrained nose😂. I'll be interested to find out what hops you used once you post the recipe👍.
Second one of the night! This is @Alastair70 IPA, this one is slightly different, some dark malt in there if I'm not mistaken....
Going back.. Nice pop, good creamy head, which lasts half the glass. Oak coloured, fairly opaque. Aroma, sweet, spice and some caramel. Flavour, sweet, caramel, pine, candy, some spice with a good well balanced level of bitterness. Stronger hints of alcohol than the last. Different interpretation of the style than mine or @SMP Brewery and I've really enjoyed it, thank you!

It’s time to review my first beer. I’m going to review them in the order they arrived which means first up is @Nottsbeer and his 6.2% Rye IPA.

Just an observation here but the head space in this bottle was 7cm. Now I’m not going to complain about short measures (😉) but it is worth noting that with more head space there is more of a chance of oxidation. About 1-2cm should be enough.

Now, let’s talk about the beer. It poured well having just the right carbonation to easily form a head without also foaming over the glass. I could see there was some sediment in the bottom of the bottle so I poured the beer carefully and stopped short of the sediment - which is the real reason for a slightly short measure. The lovely copper/amber coloured beer is almost clear with just a little haze. The airy off-white head fell to a creamy foam over the surface and lasted until the glass was almost empty.


The aroma is nice and clean with a blend of juicy fruits and some caramel. Just a hint of something minty which I guess must be from the northern brewer hops. I’m not really getting any spicy rye on the aroma.

The flavour is quite different to the aroma with a big hit of spicy rye. I had thought from the aroma that perhaps the rye might not shine but it absolutely does. There is still a good punch of fruit (pithy orange in the foreground, tropical fruits bringing up the rear) and like the rye the mint flavour is stronger in flavour than the aroma suggests. There is a touch of caramel sweetness on the front of the flavour but it quickly dries out and is replaced by bitterness which builds to medium high and lingers well after you’ve swallowed the beer.

This is a nice well made beer. It’s clean, I’m not getting any off flavours, and everything seems to be in balance. Great job and thanks very much for sharing. 👍
It’s time to review my first beer. I’m going to review them in the order they arrived which means first up is @Nottsbeer and his 6.2% Rye IPA.

Just an observation here but the head space in this bottle was 7cm. Now I’m not going to complain about short measures (😉) but it is worth noting that with more head space there is more of a chance of oxidation. About 1-2cm should be enough.

Now, let’s talk about the beer. It poured well having just the right carbonation to easily form a head without also foaming over the glass. I could see there was some sediment in the bottom of the bottle so I poured the beer carefully and stopped short of the sediment - which is the real reason for a slightly short measure. The lovely copper/amber coloured beer is almost clear with just a little haze. The airy off-white head fell to a creamy foam over the surface and lasted until the glass was almost empty.

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The aroma is nice and clean with a blend of juicy fruits and some caramel. Just a hint of something minty which I guess must be from the northern brewer hops. I’m not really getting any spicy rye on the aroma.

The flavour is quite different to the aroma with a big hit of spicy rye. I had thought from the aroma that perhaps the rye might not shine but it absolutely does. There is still a good punch of fruit (pithy orange in the foreground, tropical fruits bringing up the rear) and like the rye the mint flavour is stronger in flavour than the aroma suggests. There is a touch of caramel sweetness on the front of the flavour but it quickly dries out and is replaced by bitterness which builds to medium high and lingers well after you’ve swallowed the beer.

This is a nice well made beer. It’s clean, I’m not getting any off flavours, and everything seems to be in balance. Great job and thanks very much for sharing. 👍
Hi Hazelwood, thanks very much for your feedback 👍 All those few cms missing gets me an extra pint 😂😂. But seriously, I hadn't really noticed that when bottling (always trying to ensure I don't over fill) so will be a bit more vigilant. Really pleased you enjoyed my brew. Having never made (or knowingly drunk) a rye beer I had no idea what to expect. This is one I'll definitely make again as I love the flavours of this one. Enjoy the other brews....I'm going to crack my second open later 🍻🍻
2nd Rye beer today - Easy Ryder - thanks @Mayor of Simpleton. This opened with a slight hiss and poured with a small, foamy head. Initial observation was that it's quite dark compared to mine and quite opaque. I had let the can settle for 3 days in the cold so I guess this is due to how it was packaged? I think I can notice a slight fruity aroma (tho I do have a slightly blocked nose), and there is a definite malty taste. There is a hint of the spiciness of the rye in the background. I think I'm also smelling a caramel hint in the aroma...I'm struggling to pin point what it is which is annoying! As the aroma has developed it reminds me of another beer I have had but I can't put my finger on it yet. I'm guessing that the rye % in this beer is quite a bit lower than the % I used, which gives a lovely contrast to my brew. The maltiness is quite nice as well. The mouth feel is good and this is maybe a slightly sweeter beer than the one I had last night (pilgrims beer), and not as much of a dry finish. The head lasts as the pint is supped, leaving lovely marks on the glass. Another nice pint....thanks again for sharing🍻🍻
2nd Rye beer today - Easy Ryder - thanks @Mayor of Simpleton. This opened with a slight hiss and poured with a small, foamy head. Initial observation was that it's quite dark compared to mine and quite opaque. I had let the can settle for 3 days in the cold so I guess this is due to how it was packaged? I think I can notice a slight fruity aroma (tho I do have a slightly blocked nose), and there is a definite malty taste. There is a hint of the spiciness of the rye in the background. I think I'm also smelling a caramel hint in the aroma...I'm struggling to pin point what it is which is annoying! As the aroma has developed it reminds me of another beer I have had but I can't put my finger on it yet. I'm guessing that the rye % in this beer is quite a bit lower than the % I used, which gives a lovely contrast to my brew. The maltiness is quite nice as well. The mouth feel is good and this is maybe a slightly sweeter beer than the one I had last night (pilgrims beer), and not as much of a dry finish. The head lasts as the pint is supped, leaving lovely marks on the glass. Another nice pint....thanks again for sharing🍻🍻
Forgot to add the pic.


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Second one of the night! This is @Alastair70 IPA, this one is slightly different, some dark malt in there if I'm not mistaken....
Going back.. Nice pop, good creamy head, which lasts half the glass. Oak coloured, fairly opaque. Aroma, sweet, spice and some caramel. Flavour, sweet, caramel, pine, candy, some spice with a good well balanced level of bitterness. Stronger hints of alcohol than the last. Different interpretation of the style than mine or @SMP Brewery and I've really enjoyed it, thank you!

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Just reread my review and realised that when I said the beer was opaque I meant the absolute opposite of what opaque actually means. :laugh8:

I'd had a few...
Finally getting round to trying one of these. First up @Hazelwood Brewery, weighing in at 6.3% ABV.
Pours a very pretty pint, the clarity is excellent with low to medium carbonation. A modest white head hangs around for half the glass but reawakens with a gentle swill right to the end.
Piney hops are in charge on the nose sitting on a rich malt aroma.
The taste is all about malt complexity; brown bread in the background, burnt caramel, and a richness that must be the rye. I haven’t had a rye beer before this brew and I can’t put my finger on a good descriptor, my brain keeps saying ‘white pepper’ and my tastebuds go ‘catch yerself on!’.
The mouthfeel is beautifully rich, and the piney hop flavours carry through with the long length of flavour.
This is a really well made beer, and a very different version of the style to what I brewed. Looking forward to seeing your recipe and your secret to making a clear beer. Cheers!

2nd Rye beer today - Easy Ryder - thanks @Mayor of Simpleton. This opened with a slight hiss and poured with a small, foamy head. Initial observation was that it's quite dark compared to mine and quite opaque. I had let the can settle for 3 days in the cold so I guess this is due to how it was packaged? I think I can notice a slight fruity aroma (tho I do have a slightly blocked nose), and there is a definite malty taste. There is a hint of the spiciness of the rye in the background. I think I'm also smelling a caramel hint in the aroma...I'm struggling to pin point what it is which is annoying! As the aroma has developed it reminds me of another beer I have had but I can't put my finger on it yet. I'm guessing that the rye % in this beer is quite a bit lower than the % I used, which gives a lovely contrast to my brew. The maltiness is quite nice as well. The mouth feel is good and this is maybe a slightly sweeter beer than the one I had last night (pilgrims beer), and not as much of a dry finish. The head lasts as the pint is supped, leaving lovely marks on the glass. Another nice pint....thanks again for sharing🍻🍻
It was really dark and opaque in the keg as well. Even adding gelatin didn't help. I really wasn't happy with the look.

I hopped with Pacifica and Eclipse as I was aiming for an orange/marmalade flavour to complement the rye. I also used a Kolsch yeast. I definitely want to brew it again because it's close to what I tried to achieve.

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