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  1. simon john

    Country Wines and Foraging

    Still waiting for the Elderflower here as well (Dorset) - the smell is definitely distinctive! I think I prefer Elederberry wine to Elderflower but I haven't tried the sparkling version yet as I'm too scared of exploding bottles - I do mix Elderflower wine with Soda water for a refreshing...
  2. simon john

    Country Wines and Foraging

    I've had a look through my books and I 'think' the mystery flower is Rowan - which is apparently common in Scotland.
  3. simon john

    Country Wines and Foraging

    I don't think it's Hawthorn either - some more pictures from last spring's foraging: Hawthorn Blackthorn (Sloe)
  4. simon john

    Country Wines and Foraging

    alanywiseman - I don't think that is Elderflower - there may be other varieties? Here's some pictures of Elder that I picked last year, I haven't tatsed the wine I made yet!
  5. simon john

    Carrot 'Whisky' - What the heck have I done?

    Doh! Thanks chaps! I told you I was a dummy when it came to Hydrometer reading! 16% is spot on, so with the extra sugar I added during the fermentation that would make about 20% - which is what I had hoped for. I've put it away to 'improve', I'll let you know if it's drinkable later. Thanks again!
  6. simon john

    Carrot 'Whisky' - What the heck have I done?

    Apologies for being a lurker, I joined this forum in 2010 when I planned to be doing loads of Winemaking - plans huh? Apologies again for the length of this post - I am VERY flummoxed! Carrot 'Whisky' Saga I have tried to make some Carrot Whisky, I like Whisky and Ginger mixed 2/1 (made from...
  7. simon john

    Sloe, Sloe, Pick Pick, Sloe?

    Thanks Gents! I'm off to pick 'em tomorrow. Maybe I'll freeze 'em but I quite enjoy stabbing the little blighters! Easy I put in my gob and say 'Yukk tastes like perfume!' - and it's not just my own Sloe gin, other folks have given me some of theirs - I hope they're not members here 'cos as a...
  8. simon john

    how old are you and how long you been brewing?

    I'm 54 and 3/4 years old. I bought my first round of 3 pints for 39p (yes 13p each in the public bar, 14p in the posh saloon bar) when I was working as a Saturday boy at C Brewers decorating shop - they still going? You could go out with one of those new fangled 50p pieces, ten bob in real...
  9. simon john

    Sloe, Sloe, Pick Pick, Sloe?

    Sorry, with Strictly back on the telly I couldn't resist the dancing reference! We managed to pick 3.5 kilos of blackberries yesterday, so they're being turned into 2 gallons of wine - nice! I noticed that there are loads and loads of Sloes around. So, I cracked open a bottle of last year's...
  10. simon john

    CAUTION : Man Flu - Comfort Food Needed!

    My commiserations Wez, I am also recovering from this life threatening man flu. I went to London for a couple of days for a 'business meeting' two weeks ago and herself says it was the massive quantities of beer I drank with the buddy I stayed with that lowered my resistance! Bless her, just...
  11. simon john

    And another 'join me if you will....'

    I told you once.
  12. simon john

    And another 'join me if you will....'

    The week before? has that happened already? Blimey! How am i supposed to know what happened last week when I don't know what's happening now? Sorry, missed that post (coping with 40 years of grief) . Anyway I've got very serious man flu and 'she inside the doors' is saying that vast...
  13. simon john

    And another 'join me if you will....'

    Don't forget Jimi - it's been 40 years and I still haven't quite gotten over the shock! "Have you ever been experienced?"
  14. simon john

    What are you scared of?

    Someone just had to go and mention the thing that haunts my nightmares - no not sex, potato men! Just try telling the authorities that the man living at the end of your street you doesn't go out much, always pays cash and keeps his curtains closed all day is in fact a potato man - they just...
  15. simon john

    Top up 'me Wurzel's?

    Ta Moley. I'm glad I don't need to top it up - as you say it would need a lot of topping. I will update the 'comic' in a week or two - hopefully with smiley contented faces! Cheers Simon
  16. simon john

    Top up 'me Wurzel's?

    OK, so it's my first attempt at WOW (and my first go at using my BIG Fermenting buckets that I picked up at the tip). I meant to stop the bugger at 1.00 but due to laziness missed it. It has gorn down to 0.992 so i racked it. My question is, oh wise gurus, should I top up the massive airspace...
  17. simon john

    Best way to sterilise syphon tube

    OK, it's probably a bit cheeky a VERY newbie like me offering advice, but to clean my siphon tube I use an enema bag like this one "Oy geezer wot you got an enema bag for?" I hear you all shout! Well, I'll tell you - but keep it to yourselves I...
  18. simon john

    Hydrometer Question

    Ta muchly! My hydrometer DOES have little, tiny, miniscule .0002 increments - I don't need a new hydrodiddly - I need new glasses! Thanks for How To link. Cheers. Simon
  19. simon john

    Hydrometer Question

    Hi thanks for the reply - I should have been a bit more clearer - as usual :oops: I used the 1.00 to 1.05 as an example of how un-precise my hydrometer is - I can only tell that my SG is somewhere between two quite broad points. I was wondering if there was a good hydrometer available that...
  20. simon john


    Hi Everybody My name's Simon, I'm very old (53) and grumpy most of the time. I live in Dorset and started making wine last year. I am keen on using the local hedgerow stuff like Elderberries, Blackberries, Rosehips etc. Also nobody seems to want their apples so I tidy up their gardens for...