Hydrometer Question

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simon john

Active Member
Aug 21, 2010
Reaction score
Dorset / Somerset border
Hello Chaps and Chapesses.

I'm new to this forum and winemaking, I've been having a look through the very informative posts on this board and have come across folks talking about SG of .992 and 1008 etc. Could someone tell me where to get a hydrometer that gives that sort of scale - I got mine from the local home brew shop and all I could say is 'somewhere between 1.00 and 1.05 inclusive!' and to say that I need the flippin' magnifying glass!


hi and welcome to the forum this is a great place to be your in safe hands here i just started brewing some one will help u out soon sounds like u nead to up your sg using shugar what are u making that will help more :cheers:
Hi thanks for the reply - I should have been a bit more clearer - as usual :oops: I used the 1.00 to 1.05 as an example of how un-precise my hydrometer is - I can only tell that my SG is somewhere between two quite broad points. I was wondering if there was a good hydrometer available that showed more precise readings


Hi Simon, and welcome to the forum :cheers:

Most hydrometers bought from Wilkinson's or homebrew shops should cost around £3 and will be graduated from about 1.130 to 0.980 in .002 increments.

There's a “How To” guide on reading them here.

Unfortunately, you may need a magnifying glass (or certainly better eyesight than mine) to read them.

There are hydrometers available with a shorter range and longer stem but they are far more expensive.
Ta muchly!
My hydrometer DOES have little, tiny, miniscule .0002 increments - I don't need a new hydrodiddly - I need new glasses! Thanks for How To link. Cheers.