Best way to sterilise syphon tube

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New Member
Aug 16, 2010
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I was transferring some of a brew to a trial jar today using the syphon tubing (I assumed this was the best way to do it) and wondered how other people completely sterilise the tubing before use, its a pig to work with. Anybody any tips?
if I'm bottling then I will run through really hot water, as hot as I can stand and keep in under the tap for around a minute with the water running through it, then leave it in the FV in the sanitiser for 10 mins then rinse off with the warm water again

shimples :thumb:
As Abbey says, completely immerse it in your steralising solution and rinse through after.
I happened to buy a funnel and it came with a tiny little one only about 6cm across at the widest part.
just left it in the drawer until i started syphoning from demijohns....!
Now i soak in my fv with sanitiser just as above but the dinky funnel helps move solution through it. Not exactly a revelation...
just keep you eye out for an apparently pointless funnel!
I dunk the demijohn end in a demi full of sterilising solution for the required time, then draw the solution through the tube and close the tap when it reaches the other end or run enough out to fill a jug to put the tap in to sterilise that. Then rince the outside and use the normal water pressure from the cold water tap to rince through the inside of the tube, holding the end higher than the rest of the tube.
OK, it's probably a bit cheeky a VERY newbie like me offering advice, but to clean my siphon tube I use an enema bag like this one

"Oy geezer wot you got an enema bag for?" I hear you all shout! Well, I'll tell you - but keep it to yourselves I don't want everyone to know. I spent 4 years getting learnt natural medicine (even got diplomas and stuff) - one of the treatments for IBS (come on own up - loads of use have got that ) was coffee enemas - so I thought I'd give it a go. Does it work ? Dunno! It might but I couldn't tell you as I could not be arsed ( ooh a bit of a slip there ) with all the enematic drama every day.

Then one day I thought I wonder if my siphon tube ( a Young's one with the stick and little sediment bucket doobrie ) would fit on the enema bag? As I didn't fancy a mouthful of sterlising gunk - and ya it flippin well did so now I just fill the bag with VWP and let it run through the tube.
Thanks for the advice guys, think I've got that one sorted now. One less thing to learn / worry about