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  1. M

    Maxi 210 Cooler

    Sorry about the spelling can't type on these tablets lol
  2. M

    Maxi 210 Cooler

    Hi I've been out of brewing for a while now but hoping to get back nto it... The first step is I've just got a Maxi 210 chiller and want to get this working... Initially I'll probably try a keg until I get a brew myself.... So a few questions.. I think I have everything I need except a gas...
  3. M

    First Ever Brew Tomorrow

    Good luck with the brew, hope all is going OK.
  4. M


    Thanks Jim, Yes you showed me them when I had a tour around the Evanvine brewery, when I picked up the demijohns you so kindly donated ( theyve hardly been empty since :drunk: ) I think thats where I've been going wrong then as I racked and waited till it clered before bottling, although the...
  5. M


    Sorry to hijack the thread, but Jim do you bottle as soon as you've racked or leave it a while to clear? I remember your bottles being cloudy when I saw them, so I'm assuming bottle straight away...? Its just im struggling to get any 'fizz' in mt TC, I tend to rack until clear then bottle with...
  6. M

    3000TH MEMBER SOON! Free Tankard to the winner!

    Looks like i missed this, but as a side bet, the first word typed by the new member.... Hi Hello Help ? :grin:
  7. M

    Dropped one

    Hi, As some of you might have seen in chat, I've made a right boo boo..! Was making a wherry and a coopers canadian blonde... I started off with the wherry and decided to add the brewing sugar for the Canadian :oops: didnt quite know what to do so after a post in chat and a phone call to...
  8. M

    Cloudy Bitter

    Hi TS, I left it for maybe 2 days after fermentation had finished before I kegged it. It's in a boots pressure barrel ( bottom tap ) Is there anything i can do to correct it now its in the barrel? Thanks, Mick.
  9. M

    Cloudy Bitter

    Hi, I've brewed a Geordies Yorkshire Bitter kit, a few weeks ago, which all went fine, Kegged it left it a week, tried it, tasted OK but was still a little cloudy, so I left it another week tried it, this time it was very cloudy, a lot more so than the first time I tried it, so left it another...
  10. M

    Coopers European Lager

    Thanks for the replies, That explains it a little clearer for me now, will give it a try in a couple of weeks and see hows its developing.
  11. M

    Coopers European Lager

    Thanks for the replies guys, on the cooper instruct's there is a seperate note for the lager, saying leave in the bottle for at least 12 weeks before consuming....! I'm sure it wont last that long :D anyone know why this is? its the first lager ive done so dont know if its a lager thing or...
  12. M

    Coopers European Lager

    Just kegged this, started it 2 weeks ago, maybe it could have been kegged after 10 days but was a little busy during the week so didnt get chance.. I was amazed how clear it was and what i great taste even without conditioning.... Has anyone else done one of these? on the destructions it says...
  13. M

    Brewday - 4th September 2010 - A Big Beer

    Is that a can of beer in the 3rd pic ? tut tut AleMan.... Looks like it was a good day :cheers:
  14. M

    Conflicting SG readings

    Not sure Mick, drained the trail jar before I used it, but like you say all is good got the SG i wanted, just sems strange how I got two such different readings.... will check next time I put a brew on and see if I get the same... Thanks for your reply.
  15. M

    Conflicting SG readings

    Hi, I've just put a Coopers European Lager on, added the can, added 1kg of brewing sugar topped upto 23 ltrs. mixed thoroughly took a og reading in a trial jar of 1.026, I thought this was too low so put the hydrometer in the fv, got a reading of 1.042 which was much more like what i wanted...
  16. M

    AG# Whatever - Session Beer

    Permission off wife..... :rofl: Have a good one.
  17. M

    Hello from Gloucester

    Hi Sue, welcome to the forum, I see from your pic on your blog why PurpleSue :lol: Great blog BTW. :thumb:
  18. M

    Cider Press...

    I did think about a garden shredder, neighbours got one, but it will take way to much cleaning I think, will see how it goes though...
  19. M

    orange wine

    Just started the same but 1gallon... one comment, isnt 5 tsp yeast a little much? maybe it's just me.... Good luck.
  20. M

    Chat Area

    Ahhhhhhh Just saw the post that its only up and running at the weekend..... Thought I'd had way tooooo much alchohol and imagined it.... :rofl: See you there Friday evening :thumb: