AG# Whatever - Session Beer

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Jun 7, 2009
Reaction score
Redhill (Reigate Foreign)
Malt - Check
Hops - Check
Yeast - Check
Day off - Check
Permission from wife - Check

What does that spell? BREWDAY! BREWDAY! BREWDAY! :party:

So, after making a big dark monster last week, this week is going to be a pale sessiony goldings affair.

For 23liters

3.5kg Marris Otter
250g Crystal
200g sugar

Seems a stupidly small amount of grain after last weeks 9kg effort......



50g - 90mins
25g - 20mins
25g - 0 mins

This also seems like a stupidly small amount of hops, as I rarely use less than twice that weight in hops for a brew...

Yeast is going to be Notty, again (coz thats all I have, again)

Colour 19.7
IBU 45
ABV - about 3.5%

Should be a nice quaffable ale. I might bottle a few and stick them in the airing cupboard for a couple of months to see how it develops.
Very nice .... I feel the need to do a session beer too!

Looks lovely, have a good day!
Well, that was a quickie! 4hrs 30 mins and its in the fv waiting for the yeast.

Bit disappointed at the OG though. Barely above 1.030, I think I failed to include the deadspace/trub/hops volumes in my OG calcs so its actually more dilute than I anticipated.

But hey-ho, its certainly going to be a session!
I've looked at this brew and fancy it could be a good straightforward one for my first AG :thumb: (if the boilers delivered this weekend that is :!: )

I like IPA and a hoppy taste so this might be a good light session beer for my first go :arrow:

............. unless anyone else has any different suggestions :D
thanks for that J :thumb:

just waiting ............ very impatiently :oops: for my mate to ring and see if he managed to get the boiler, or not :oops:
OK, its now fermented out to about 1.008 so will Keg tomorrow when its settled out again.

Very nice colour, almost looks like a glass of brandy, but it tastes a bit like Grenne King IPA....... The goldings havent really come through as much as I'd hoped they would but then again, I am am incurable hop-freak so its probably perfect for 90% of palletes out there :lol:

Defo go for 4kg of MO Baz, 3.5 isnt enough, at least not with my efficiency.

Now I'm going to have to brew some super-uber-hopzilla of a beer to yang the ying :grin:
jonewer said:
............ Defo go for 4kg of MO Baz, 3.5 isnt enough, at least not with my efficiency.

Thanks for that J, still waiting for boiler unfortunately, but will give this brew a go when I finally get going :thumb: