User upper thoughts?

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Oct 6, 2019
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a user upper

MO - 4kg
Smoked Malt - 500g
Amber - 300g
chocolate malt - 150g
light crystal - 110g
melanoidin - 100g
roast barley 100g

Hops..have a lot to choose from but was thinking bittering with Northern brewer to 30 ibu then saaz at 10min and 5 min additions.

any thoughts?
The smoked malt us the game changer here. I wouldn't use it.
You could almost throw everything else together to make a nice dark beer. Or you could just go with adding the amber to the base malt OR go with adding just the crystal and some challenger/EKGs to make something like Summer Lightning OR just add the melanoidin and your hopping schedule, above with a pseudo lager yeast.
Loads of ideas, but avoid the smoked malt.
2nd a dark beer.

MO, amber, crystal and a little choc or rb for a nice (strong?) bitter.

Or will all the choc and rb push towards a stout?
Or will all the choc and rb push towards a stout?
A strong, dark mild would be my thinking. Mash warm and use a less highly attenuating yeast. Just a thought.
If "using up" means what it says, then chuck it all in. Except the smoked. But these malts will keep for ages if they're properly stored so why the need to use them up?