Conflicting SG readings

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Active Member
Aug 4, 2010
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I've just put a Coopers European Lager on, added the can, added 1kg of brewing sugar topped upto 23 ltrs. mixed thoroughly took a og reading in a trial jar of 1.026, I thought this was too low so put the hydrometer in the fv, got a reading of 1.042 which was much more like what i wanted, took another trial jar full took reading again.... 1.026 so now im at abit of a loss how the redings can be so different? anyone know why or what I could be doing wrong..?

One thing i dont have is a thermometer ( its next on my list ) so I dont know what the temp was, I put 4 pints of boiling water followed by the rest cold water, this is the method iv used in the past and not had ant problem fermenting.. although i have to admit to not taking readings as I shoud.

If anyone has any ideas would appreciate hearing them.

Any possibility that you had cleaning water in the trial jar that you poured the wort onto? thats all i can think of. I wouldnt worry anyway if the gravity of the wort in the fv is 1042 happy days :D
Not sure Mick, drained the trail jar before I used it, but like you say all is good got the SG i wanted, just sems strange how I got two such different readings.... will check next time I put a brew on and see if I get the same...

Thanks for your reply.
My guess is that it wasn't thoroughly mixed, that malt extract syrup is tough stuff to dissolve ;)
Another possibility is that in the trial jar you have bubbles clinging to the hydrometer.
Give it a sharp spin before taking a reading.