Coopers European Lager

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Active Member
Aug 4, 2010
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Just kegged this, started it 2 weeks ago, maybe it could have been kegged after 10 days but was a little busy during the week so didnt get chance..

I was amazed how clear it was and what i great taste even without conditioning....

Has anyone else done one of these? on the destructions it says to condition for at least 12 weeks...! is this right? I'm just going by how it looked/tasted when I kegged it... If it improves much then this will definatey be brewed again.


Yes, it definatly improves over time. The first time I made this, most of it was gone within 12 weeks but I did find a bottle that was 6 months old (I had put the bottle in with some TC by mistake) and it was really good, well worth waiting if you can.
Hi Mick,

I haven’t done the Coopers European lager but I have done about 4 Coopers kits (started one last night funnily enough – A Sparkling Ale).

The ones I’ve done - After bottling - says to leave for approx 6 days above 18c and then move to a cooler place ready for drinking.

There is a note however that says leaving it upto 3 months will improve it.

Personally I usually start to drink mine when it is ready and it improves as the weeks go on – till it’s gone.

But like I say I haven’t done the European lager.

:drink: Paul.
Thanks for the replies guys, on the cooper instruct's there is a seperate note for the lager, saying leave in the bottle for at least 12 weeks before consuming....! I'm sure it wont last that long :D

anyone know why this is? its the first lager ive done so dont know if its a lager thing or just this european lager??

Anyway im sure it will taste nice as it tasted very good when i sampled it when i kegged it.

I am a massive coopers fan!
I have not done there European lager yet but if its like the Cerveza and IPA, it will be class. :cheers:
3 month condition does seem to get the best out of Lagers even cheap kits! :thumb:
im due to bottle my coopers european lager tomorrow night, yeah it says to condition for 3 months, jst make sure you have plenty of beer made to drink during that time. im looking at a wee xmas day opening for the european lager! will ofcourse have to have a wee taste first of all,
hope it goes well!
MickD said:
... on the cooper instruct's there is a seperate note for the lager, saying leave in the bottle for at least 12 weeks before consuming...
anyone know why this is? its the first lager ive done so dont know if its a lager thing or just this european lager??

I think it's to allow as much of the CO2 produced to absorb into the beer. Also, the lagering process (storing in for a month or so) allows the flavour to get "cleaner". Part of this process is where the yeast reabsorbs a by-product of fermentation, diacetyl, which gives a non-lager-like butterscotch flavour. Some home brewers get the yeast to do this much more quickly by carrying out a "diacetyl rest". This is where, at the end of primary fermentation, the beer is brought to a warmer fermentation temperature. This rouses the yeast into reabsorbing the diacetyl.
The European lager is the only Coopers Lager kit to come with a Lager yeast. . . I've made it in the past using LME and beer enhancer, and was spectacularly unimpressed . . .even leaving it to age didn't improve it . . . I was a good beer with no THT . . . but it wasn't a European Lager . . . I suspect that the addition of LME and Beer Enhancer threw the balance of the kit so far off it became a 'generic' beer . . . For that reason I would suggest that all coopers lager kits are made with sugar rather than LME/beer enhancer.

12 weeks is an ideal time . . . and the sort of time real Czech brewers would lager a 1.048 beer for . . . is it worth it with a kit where you haven't had the temperature control, and are not lagering it in bulk? . . . Not in my experience . . . yes it will improve with time as do most beers . . . I'd give it a couple of week and then try it.
Thanks for the replies, That explains it a little clearer for me now, will give it a try in a couple of weeks and see hows its developing.