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  1. V

    50L pots

    :shock: That's going to have real implications to the U.K Home brew Market for these things, however, 2 things It wouldn't surprise me if a lot of the bigger buyers here in the U.K already know. It wouldn't surprise me if one of the U.K suppliers had gone into contract with them prohibiting...
  2. V

    Fermenter Temperature Control Jacket

    Great solution Andy :thumb:
  3. V

    Thwaites Brewery Sign

  4. V

    Prolapsed disc, finding it quite depressing.

    I can't offer any advice J but I hope you make a full recovery with time.
  5. V

    The Leaning Stilton of Eccles take Three.

    Now you mention it :whistle: :P
  6. V

    The Leaning Stilton of Eccles take Three.

    Pull your finger out A, get it sorted :roll: :lol: :tongue:
  7. V

    The gatling chiller

    I'm not saying it's right or wrong but I used to use my JG fitting to recirc the boil to sanitise, 10 mins prior to elements being knocked off so I have total faith in them for that, however, do they leach :hmm:
  8. V

    The gatling chiller

    Food safety aside for one moments, some food for thought, John Guest manifolds (search that term on ebay), it's all designed for central heating systems so no probs heat wise. Just extend from manifold to copper tubes on chiller, no different to how it's used in a ch system.
  9. V

    Dog fouling

    Thanks so far chaps :thumb: Re those car cameras, they're £25 on ebay, problem is they record on a loop, 5, 10, 15 mins before wiping and re recording so that would limit the 'window' too much. They would also require a permanent supply to work and I don't have a leisure battery any more, car...
  10. V

    Dog fouling

    My 1st thought...then thought up to £1000 fine...with proof...rather give the pic to the dog warden ;)
  11. V

    Dog fouling

    I and my neighbours have a real issue with a dog fouling, every day for the last 2 weeks right in the entrances to our gate ways. I want to catch the person in 'action' so I can report it to the dog warden. Has anyone got any experience of using external battery operated hard drive/memory card...
  12. V

    The gatling chiller

    The smaller the diameter pipe the greater the surface area ratio to wort, so yes you are correct :thumb:
  13. V

    Herms pot element.

    Info from here
  14. V

    Herms pot element.

    I use these not the cheapest but hey ho!
  15. V

    What do you put your boiler on?

    Wood, it's a good insulator :thumb:
  16. V

    The Leaning Stilton of Eccles take Three.

    Sounds a bit like beer 8-)
  17. V

    efficient wort chillers for kettle with no tap

    I see your tripple IC and I raise you for a quad :twisted:
  18. V

    Herms pot element.

    I'd be thinking replacement, if the one you have fails, will the hole drilled be suitable for a replacement. I'd also be getting 2 or 3 elements to suit the hole...long term hobby commitment...jic.
  19. V

    Silicone Hose Exclusive offer (Out of Stock)

    Out of stock.