Gave the gatling chiller a first run today. Not bad at all. Initially it was dropping the temp by 25c as it passed through the chiller. I had the wort flow set to 9lt per min and the cooling water on full. Then I dropped the wort flow to 3lt per min, which is probably the fastest it will pull through the hop bed. I need to run another test as this was set up to recirc the 25lt back into the boiler, as I plan to do this with my brewery and hopefully filter the cold break material through the hop bed. It took 19 mins to recirc the whole 25 lt down to 20c, but that was with the wort flow at 9lt per min for 10 mins and 9 mins at 3lt per min. At that point the wort temp in the boiler was 46c. So I need to do it again set at 3lt per min flow for the whole test. I'll try to do that tomorrow and report the results.