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  1. Darkbrewer

    Steeping crushed malt???

    I've actually done several of the partial mash kits. What they all called for about 20to30 min of steeping in a muslin bag right in the boiler. I did what you said steeped in a separate and ran it thru a folded over fine nylon bag. I didn't get bitter tannin flavors so it works.
  2. Darkbrewer

    brew strength

    I've just added sugar My. cough 2 brews. Yes only to that I've cracked open so far. But they both are quite carbonated. I used 3/4 of a cup of corn priming sugar dissolved in 1 cup boiled water for 5 gal.
  3. Darkbrewer

    brew master board game

    HUH. Thats pretty frickin cool
  4. Darkbrewer

    Milk wine

    Well thats new. Good job on working outside the box
  5. Darkbrewer

    Kegging beer?

    :rofl: Man I'm already scoping out a 4 pk on ebay right now. The Missus doesn't like the idea.... Yet I think the wildberry wine will sway her to having my way with beer and wine.
  6. Darkbrewer

    Kegging beer?

    Awesome I found Vossy's how to on kegging. A corny is now on my list of future upgrades.
  7. Darkbrewer

    Kegging beer?

    Ok I really want to try kegging my beer. Whats the best balance of cheap and well matured beer? I'm not sure whats involved in getting the beer into the keg. Once there can you use natural carbonation to get the job done or is a co2 tank required?
  8. Darkbrewer

    Maple dark ale what's people's thoughts on this recipe

    KK. I'm still new to this. What would that do. :?:
  9. Darkbrewer

    New additions to the family

    Great find I gotta look for some too. Hopefully I can get lucky too.
  10. Darkbrewer

    Hi, just joined!

    Welcome to the forum
  11. Darkbrewer

    Maple dark ale what's people's thoughts on this recipe

    This is my next AG conquest any thought on improving the recipe? 9 lbs. Domestic 2-Row, 8 oz. Caravienne, 8 oz. Carapils, 12 oz. Chocolate malt, 1 oz. of northern brewer hops, 1 oz. of cascade hops, 12 oz. maple syrup, s-05 yeast.
  12. Darkbrewer

    Pumkin Amber Ale today

    Cheese in a brew? Huh. I've been looking at bacon beer recipes.. :drink: Rhubarb would need ph balancing but could be tasty espescialy paired with a fruit of soe sort. My mom used it in fruit cobblers when I was growing up and I loved it. My list of beers to make is getting huge. :rofl: Awesome
  13. Darkbrewer

    Immersion chiller

    I'm not sure on all the math but my chiller worked pretty good. 30min from boil to pitching temp.
  14. Darkbrewer

    Chocolate Stout

    This is on my list to try brewing as well.
  15. Darkbrewer

    Pumkin Amber Ale today

    Its crazy how many recipes are out there that don't use pumpkin. False flippin advertising I say.
  16. Darkbrewer

    If you're thinking of going AG .............

    I loved my first AG experience ran into a couple snags but it just gives me something to work on between now and my next brew. Which depending on the wife maybe this weekend :whistle:
  17. Darkbrewer

    Pumkin Amber Ale today

    I was thinking I'd gellatin it when I move it to my secondary. Unless it settles really well and I don't have too. heres the recipe rick. I used canned pumpkin which is why I think I got cloudiness from it. Depending how it smells when I move it to the secondary I may add more spices in a tea...
  18. Darkbrewer

    Pumkin Amber Ale today

    I've got alot of cloudiness. I'm guessing from the pumpkin. I hope it'll settle out. Any tips out there for clearing it up?
  19. Darkbrewer

    Pumkin Amber Ale today

    Mash tun was an ale pale that I wrapped with a space blanket and then fleece. Kinda Macgyvered. :rofl: Sg of 1.055. Pumpkin most have bumped it up a little more then I thought it would. Sorry there aren't more pics the camera isn't talking to my computer for some reason. Lovers quarrel I guess.
  20. Darkbrewer

    Pumkin Amber Ale today

    The wort looks and smells good before hops