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Jan 23, 2010
Reaction score
Saracens Head Linc's
Went to my local auction rooms today.


£20 hammer price £22.40 with commission.

Well it would have been rude not to :grin: :grin: :grin:
wildbrew said:
Lucky :twisted: well done. :clap: :clap:
I wish my local auction would have some cheap demijohns up for grabs.

This is the first time in the 3 years i've been going there they have had any, so dont give up hope :rofl:
Nice work snail ... so what's first on the cards?
Nothing on the cards yet Tony. Not till I find out if my house sale is going ahead or falling through :whistle: . It was an impulse purchase they were there I was there and the price was just too good to pass up :party: .
great haul :D sorry to hear the house move is still up in the air :( bet you can`t wait to get it sorted and those filled :cheers:
rickthebrew said:
bet you can`t wait to get it sorted and those filled

yeah .. it must be driving you crazy! Any idea on how long you'll have to wait?
Tony said:
rickthebrew said:
bet you can`t wait to get it sorted and those filled

yeah .. it must be driving you crazy! Any idea on how long you'll have to wait?

Wont be driving us crazy much longer looks 99% sure it's going to fall through :cry:

Means I've wasted 16 weeks that I could have been brewing :D

We will start unpacking at the weekend I think :hmm:

Word of warning if anyone has a house built on a brownfield site or on land previously used for industry prior to 2000 check with your local environment officer that they will still declare it fit for it's current use. Even if it was granted full planning and NHBC cover :evil: . Sorry rant over
snail59 said:
Tony said:
rickthebrew said:
bet you can`t wait to get it sorted and those filled

yeah .. it must be driving you crazy! Any idea on how long you'll have to wait?

Wont be driving us crazy much longer looks 99% sure it's going to fall through :cry:

Means I've wasted 16 weeks that I could have been brewing :D

We will start unpacking at the weekend I think :hmm:

Word of warning if anyone has a house built on a brownfield site or on land previously used for industry prior to 2000 check with your local environment officer that they will still declare it fit for it's current use. Even if it was granted full planning and NHBC cover :evil: . Sorry rant over

Sorry to hear of your woes :(

Bureaucracy will be the downfall of this country,
:hmm: that should read Bureaucracy lead to the downfall of this country.

At least you can get back to planning some brews :thumb:
