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  1. teabicky

    Nasty taste, please help!!!!

    First of all my apologies, this isn't a query about equipment nor even necessarily about brewing. My rather disturbing problem is related to the tasting of beer itself. Not just homebrew but real ales and lagers. I don't know who else to turn to. Right, so the problem, basically over the last...
  2. teabicky

    Cooper Irish Stout/ Dry Malt Extract?

    Decisions, decisions!! The idea of going with a dark malt makes sense to me, although the product bumf says otherwise. I'm still not sure, although it seems that the world is my oyster (Mmmmmm).
  3. teabicky

    first ever beer brew

    My first brew (the one before last) was barreled and I also used finnings. I put the fininnings in at the end of primary fermentation and put as much sugar as the instructions suggested into the barrel. The out come was a very clear and fizzy beer, it looked and sounded just like the real...
  4. teabicky

    To Secondary Ferment or Not to Secondary Ferment!

    I used household sugar, i think that brewing sugar is better for primary fermentation but I'm not sure. You don't have to use any sugar at all for secondary, it will still go through a fermentation period. As for putting into another container, I don't think that it is necessary. After...
  5. teabicky

    To Secondary Ferment or Not to Secondary Ferment!

    My understanding is that you can do either and secondary fermentation will occur. If you go straight into bottles it is important to ensure that primary fermentation is complete (i.e. the same reading on the hydrometer for three days running) as there is a risk of the bottles exploding...
  6. teabicky

    John Bull IPA kit, twocan or not twocan?

    Tesco's are still selling them. I have just done the IPA with household sugar and it is lovely, although bitter. I have bottled some of it in Green King IPA bottles and my mate didn't realize it was home brew, which I think is a complement!!
  7. teabicky

    Cooper Irish Stout/ Dry Malt Extract?

    Hi. I am thinking of having a go at Coopers Irish Stout for my next brew. In the product information it states: For my last brew (John Bull IPA) i just used household sugar, which has turned out great, but for this I might go with the guidelines as I feel that a stout might really benefit...
  8. teabicky

    Health issues with home brew?

  9. teabicky

    Hang Over Cures

    All pain is psychological to some extent, its the brain that processes it after all. Thats how the placebo effect works. I'm not suggesting anything strenuous, just a quiet walk (to the pub, perhaps!!) or maybe even a spot of housework..... on second thoughts, which way to the pub!!
  10. teabicky

    Hang Over Cures

    Drink plenty of water, between alcoholic drinks if possible (i never remember) and before bed. Don't be shy with the paracetamol, for me the worst part of a hangover is the headache. I try to take two before bed and two as soon as I am awake and this is usually all that I need. Once awake...
  11. teabicky

    Health issues with home brew?

    I suppose that depends on how thorough the home brewer is with sterilization. Obviously the commercial brewers have very strict laws governing their process that the home brewer does not have. I do feel this risk is probably academic, as if a brew is contaminated then it would likely be...
  12. teabicky

    Patience pays off !

    I'm on my second brew (the first was a disaster and needed tipping down the sink) and the beer, which has been bottled for about a week tastes great. I was only supposed to try one as a tester, but I was so impressed/ excited :party: that i'm now 6 down and planning to take 4 to my dads...
  13. teabicky

    To airlock or not to airlock.... or little bit of both?

    Wow, thanks for all the replies.... :thumb: It definitely seems to be a case of personal choice. I think that I am gonna continue to hedge my bets. For the first 48 hours I'll let it breath with the lid on loose and then ill tighten the lid and use the airlock. I read somewhere that...
  14. teabicky

    To airlock or not to airlock.... or little bit of both?

    My primary fermentation bin came with no airlock. At the time I was told that this was a problem so I added one myself, since then I have read many things suggesting that an airlock is not necessary. All you need to do is leave the lid on without sealing it, just resting it on top loosely. For...
  15. teabicky

    Yeast Nutrients, Opinions and Advice Please...........

    Thanks for all the replies. I will leave well alone. I think that it is still fermenting, just slowly... I am just being impatient, its my first brew.
  16. teabicky

    Yeast Nutrients, Opinions and Advice Please...........

    Hi, I was intending to add some extra yeast to my brew to give at kick-start but have accidentally bought some yeast nutrients instead. Firstly, could somebody explain what it is and when it should be used..... could it help to kick-start my slow brew? Secondly, what are peoples general...
  17. teabicky

    Newbie help

    I have had almost exactly the same trouble with harvest beer. I contacted young, who sent me this reply....
  18. teabicky

    Youngs Harvest Bitter stuck at 1.014

    I contacted young about this and this is the reply that I got, thought others may find it useful:
  19. teabicky

    My hydrometer water reading = 1.004

    Thats what I am thinking. I will test it again and send it back. I guess if my reading is correct then I should be able to subtract .004 from the reading to get a more accurate result.
  20. teabicky

    My hydrometer water reading = 1.004

    I have just tried my hydrometer in water to see what it read. My hydrometer is supposedly calibrated at 20 degrees C which is exactly what the temperature (by coincidence) was. The problem is that it was floating at 1.004, why could this be and does that mean that my beer readings are .004...