first ever beer brew

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Active Member
Dec 30, 2010
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i started my first ever beer brew on sunday last week, i just syphoned it into a barrel with 85g of sugar and left it.

the guy in the shop gave us a packet of finings as well but the instructions doesn't mention it. should i have put it in??

also i've read somewhere that the plastic barrels can't hold enuff pressure to keep larger fizzy is this true?
i'm simply gagging to taste it.......!!!

thanks in advance


:cheers: :cheers:
I wouldn`t worry to much about the finings, but pressure barrels probably won`t give you an overly fizzy lager - best to bottle (1 tsp sugar per pint bottle for lager) or invest in some cornys :thumb:
thanks for the speed reply :thumb:
i guess i'll have to start looking on ebay if i want to keep this up

like the sound of your Beetroot and orange wine
ready to bottle - really easy to make, boil a couple kg of beetroot and strain the juice into a DJ, cool and add sugar, litre of OJ, top up with water and add yeast :thumb: ferment and done :D
My first brew (the one before last) was barreled and I also used finnings. I put the fininnings in at the end of primary fermentation and put as much sugar as the instructions suggested into the barrel. The out come was a very clear and fizzy beer, it looked and sounded just like the real thing. Unfortunately I cannot say the same for the taste, although I don't blame the finnings for this. I think I let too much O2 get to it when the primary got stuck.

As a side note, for my second brew I bottled half and barreled the other half. The bottles are great but the barrel has no fizz at all and tastes a bit week, so I think it helps to fill the barrel at the start.

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